1.编辑/etc/default/grub文件,找到类似下面的这行,修改crashkernel=为期望的值 GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="...
3.3.2 参数相关设置 uli13lp1:/ # rpm -qa|grep kexec kexec-tools-2.0.0-53.43.10 uli13lp1:/ # rpm -qa 'kernel*debuginfo*' kernel-default-debuginfo-3.0.13-0.27.1 kernel-ppc64-debuginfo-3.0.13-0.27.1 系统内核设置选项和转储捕获内核配置选择在《使用 Crash 工具分析 Linux dump 文件》一文中...
5 Compelling Reasons to Choose Linux Over Windows In this article we give you five compelling reasons to embrace Linux over Windows and why should you consider switching. George Whittaker- December 17, 2024 Mastering OpenSSH for Remote Access on Debian Like a Pro ...
进入sdkmgr所在的文件夹。 cd${命令行工具根目录}/sdkmanager/bin 打开sdkmgr文件。 vim sdkmgr 在sdkmgr文件的最后一行“-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8”后添加国家码“-Duser.country=CN”。 保存修改,再次执行sdkmgr相关的命令即可正常下载Linux SDK。
includes/DefaultSettings.php" ); - disallow edits by unregistered users $wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false; $wgShowIPinHeader = false; - disallow account creation $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false; - $wgLogo image location $wiki/skins/common/image/wiki.png ...
sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set filelocation.defaultdumpdir /tmp/dump Restart the SQL Server service: Bash Copy sudo systemctl restart mssql-server Change the default error log file directory location The filelocation.errorlogfile setting changes the location where the new error log, de...
The system will crash and collect the memory dump. Once the system reboots, report the memory.dmp to secure@microsoft.com. The default location of the dump file is %SystemRoot%\memory.dmp or C:\Windows\memory.dmp if C: is the system drive. In the email, note that the dump is for ...
Normally, the kdump kernel is configured to execute a tool (typically makedumpfile) which will then save this file to a disk or network location, and then reboot. The /proc/vmcore file is thus one of the most common sources for kernel core dumps. The data is represented in ELF (...
Linux 工具秘籍(全) 原文:zh.annas-archive.org/md5/CA17A1452E9A171FA85666D109FEB63D 译者:飞龙 协议:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 前言 《Linux 实用工具手册》展示了如何解决 Linux 计算机上的典型问题。信息以“配方格式”
route add default gw 前两个命令设置/proc和/sys,这是ifconfig运行所必需的。该ifconfig命令设置网络接口以与 slirp 通信。Route 命令设置内核路由表以强制所有流量通过 slirp 隧道。让我们用 DNS 查询来测试一下: nslookup google.com ...