date +%Y%m%d //显示前天年月日 date +%Y%m%d --date="+1 day" //显示前一天的日期 date +%Y%m%d --date="-1 day" //显示后一天的日期 date +%Y%m%d --date="-1 month" //显示上一月的日期 date +%Y%m%d --date="+1 month" //显示下一月的日期 date +%Y%m%d --date="-1 year" /...
# 获取当前时间current_time = puts"当前时间: #{current_time}"# 获取特定时间specific_time =,1,1,0,0,0) puts"特定时间: #{specific_time}"# 时间加减time_plus_one_hour = current_time +3600time_minus_one_day = current_time -86400puts"一小时后的时间: #{time_plus...
@Test public void test() { String str = "1989-05-29 00:00:00"; SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); // 不加时区有问题 : date : Mon May 29 00:00:00 CDT 1989 | ts : 612370800000 (个人理解,等效于: 1989-05-29 00:00:00 UTC+8) ...
Virtual resource is not enough su - db2inst1-> kill -9 -1-> ipcs | grep db2-> ipcs-> ipcrm shm xxxxx-> ipcs kill -9 -1 (minus one) -> kill shm (shared mem) Linux cpu/ mem check & partition setting cat /proc/cpuinfo cat /proc/meminfo cat /proc/partitions Linux mem memory ...
Local Test Cases: # there can be no spaces on either side of the equal sign, before the error has been out here yesterday= ' date-d last-day +%y-%m-%d ' echo $yesterday curday= ' Date +%y-%m-%d ' echo $curday echo "Now time: ' Date ' +%y%m%d%T '"
If a string starts with a minus or dash ('-domain-a.local'), the domain after the dash or minus is removed from the list (no wildcards allowed). All domains belonging to the Active Directory forest of the currently logged-in user are always considered, but specific domains can be remov...
之——date()函数取得时间 通过date()函数获取时间后,你会发现小时时间不对,比现在的时间小8个小时,无论用H,还是用h都一样,这个是因为当前获取的是格林威治时间,与北京时间相差8小时。解决方法如下:1、修改 nginxphp500错误 在使用Linux系统搭建Nginx服务器并搭配PHP开发网站时,经常会遇到500错误。这种错误通常...
Details can be found in the upstream advisory at recommend that you upgrade your sudo packages. For the detailed security status of sudo please refer to its security tracker page at: ...
练习1 备份 for循环 写一个shell脚本,遍历/data目录下的txt文件,将这些txt文件做一个备份,备份到当前目录,备份的文件名增加一个年月日的后缀,比如将1.txt备份为1.txt_20240808 1. 2. cat ><<'EOF' #!/bin/bash #auth:alibaby007 #version:v1 #date:2024-08-08 #定义后缀变量 suffix=`date +%Y...