英文原意:copy files and directories。 所在路径:/bin/cp。 执行权限:所有用户。 功能描述:复制文件和目录。 命令格式 [root@localhost ~ ] # cp [选项] 源文件 目标文件 选项: -a:相当于-dpr选项的集合,这几个选项我们一一介绍 -d:如果源文件为软链接(对硬链接无效),则复制出的目标文件也为软链接 -i...
cp - 复制(CoPy)文件和目录; mv - 移动(MoVe)/重命名文件和目录; mkdir - 创建文件夹(MaKe DIRectories); rm - 删除(ReMove)文件和目录; 通配符(Wildcards): * : 匹配任意字符; ?: 匹配任意单个字符; [characters]: 匹配任意一个属于字符集的字符, 如[abc] [!characters]: 匹配任意一个不属于字符集的...
复制的文件或目录存放的文件系统,必须与cp命令执行时 所处的文件系统相同,否则不复制,也不处理位于其他分区的文件 -u, --update copy only when the SOURCE file is newer than the destination file or when the destination file is missing 只有当源文件比目的文件新或目的文件 丢失时复制 -v, --verbose ex...
How to Copy Directories in Linux Using cp Command Tocopy anentire directory and itssubdirectoriesand files, use the–roption. The following command copies all files and directories from theDocumentsdirectory to thenew_destinationdirectory: cp -r ~/Documents path/to/new_destination The-roption stan...
The “cp” command in Linux is used to copy files and directories from one location to another. It is a basic command that is frequently used in day-to-day Linux administration tasks. In this article, we will discuss the usage of the “cp” command, along with various options and exampl...
cp - copy files and directories,复制文件和目录,参数-r表示要复制一个目录,-i 会询问是否覆盖已存在的文件,格式为:cp [选项] [来源文件] [目的文件],如将 test 复制成 test1。-p选项可以保持权限不变,same as --preserve=mode,ownership,timestamps。
#语法: cp - copy files and directories -p :保持源文件的属性在拷贝过程中,不发生变化 -r :递归 -i :提示 -v :显示拷贝过程。(了解即可) 1、# 拷贝 /etc/hosts文件至 /tmp目录 [root@oldboyedu ~]# cp /etc/hosts /tmp/ [root@oldboyedu ~]# ls /tmp hosts ks-script-jxalz3uu vmware-root_...
For example, here, I have copied two directories namedIFandLUto theLHB: cp -r IF LU ~/LHB You can do the same when you want to copy files from multiple directories but not the directory itself: cp -r Dir1/. Dir2/. Dir3/. DirN/. Destination_directory ...
└── f2directories,7files [root@VM_0_171_centos ~]# mv mydir2/aa mydir1[root@VM_0_171_centos ~]# tree. ├── anaconda-ks.cfg ├── mydir1 │ ├── aa │ ├── b │ └── c └── mydir2 ├── d ├── e ...
copy files and directories 举例: 依次执行下列命令 mkdir test1 test2 cd test1 echo "1" > test1.txt cd ../ cp test1/test1.txt test2/test2.txt 执行下列命令后,会在test2 目录下 看到创建的test2.txt文件 并且 文件内容与test1相同为 "1" ...