google上找到这个stackoverflow上的帖子,才知道Bash 4.0以上版本有更好的办法: 《How to convert a string to lower case in Bash?》 就是${parameter,,pattern},${parameter^^pattern}表达式,表达不会改变原来变量的值 #! /bin/bash # 注意:脚本第一行一定要注明脚本解释器是bash.不能是sh,或dash # 因为sh...
google上找到这个stackoverflow上的帖子,才知道Bash 4.0以上版本有更好的办法: 《How to convert a string to lower case in Bash?》 就是${parameter,,pattern},${parameter^^pattern}表达式, 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 #! /bin/bash# 注意:脚本第一行一定要注明脚本解释器是bash.不能是sh,或dash ...
In this tutorial,we talk about ways to make all the contents of a string or file lowercase or uppercase. First, we convert a file to a string for cases where supplying a file path isn’t supported. Next, we go over methods to change the case of text with a basic encoding. Finally,...
publicStringtestUpload(Stringurl){ try { MultipartFilemultipartFile=UploadUtil.urlToMultipartFile(url);//将文件url地址转MultipartFile StringfileName=extractFilename(multipartFile);//生成唯一文件名,我这里用的是若依的方法 Stringpath=DateUtils.datePath();//根据日期生成路径 yyyy/mm/dd //上传方法 UploadUtil...
The-Xoption is also useful when combiningfdwithripgrep(rg) in order to search within a certain class of files, like all C++ source files: fd -e cpp -e cxx -e h -e hpp -X rg'std::cout' Convert all*.jpgfiles to*.pngfiles: ...
When you use quotes, you’re often trying to create a literal, a string that you want the shell to pass to the command line untouched. In addition to the $ in the example that you just saw, other similar circumstances include when you want to pass a * character to a command such as...
-l to convert the value of each NAME to lower case on assignment -n make NAME a reference to the variable named by its value -r to make NAMEs readonly -t to make NAMEs have the `trace' attribute -u to convert the value of each NAME to upper case on assignment ...
defrandomstring(size=20, chars=string.ascii_uppercase +string.digits): return''.join((random.choice(chars) for_ inrange(size))) defBaseConvert(number, fromdigits, todigits, ignore_negative=True): ifnotignore_negative andstr(number)[0] =='-': ...
分类:文件管理;文件比对The comm command is used to compare two sorted files line-by-line. For example, if 'file1' contains numbers 1-5 and 'file2' contains number 4-8, here's what the 'comm' command produces in this case: $ comm file1 file2 ...
Report bugs to <>. 其中几个比较常用的参数是: ①-d :解压;②-r:递归;③-v:输出详细的信息,可以看到压缩或解压的过程; 压缩一个文件: 对一个文件夹进行压缩,用到r参数,注意只是对其中的文件进行压缩,但是文件夹并不能压缩: