将上述脚本保存为convert_line_endings.sh,然后赋予其可执行权限: shell chmod +x convert_line_endings.sh 最后,运行脚本并传入要处理的目录路径: shell ./convert_line_endings.sh /path/to/your/directory 这样,脚本会自动遍历指定目录下的所有文件,并将它们的换行符转换为Unix格式。
我们需要将Windows的换行符\r\n替换为Linux的换行符\n,或相反。 publicstaticStringconvertLineEndings(Stringcontent,StringtargetOS){// 如果目标是Linux,替换为\nif(targetOS.equalsIgnoreCase("Linux")){returncontent.replace("\r\n","\n");}// 如果目标是Windows,替换为\r\nelse{returncontent.replace("\n...
5. 提交更改: 完成上述步骤后,可以使用`git add`和`git commit`命令将更改提交到仓库: “` git add . git commit -m “Convert line endings to LF” “` 通过以上步骤,就可以将Git设置为Linux格式,确保在Windows和Linux系统中都能正确处理行尾格式。 赞同 9个月前 0条评论 请登录 或者注册 后回复。发...
This package contains utilities dos2unix, unix2dos, mac2unix, unix2mac to convert the line endings of text files between UNIX (LF), DOS (CRLF) and Mac (CR) formats. Text files under Windows and DOS typically have two ASCII characters at the end of each line: CR (carriage return) ...
# display $ at end of each line, display TAB characters as ^I, use ^ and M- notation, except for LFD and TABo cat-Atestfilename 1. #Text file format converters. Convert text files with DOS or Mac line endings to Unix line endings and vice versa. ...
sh ./bin # This converts line endings from Windows-style to unix-style. If the bash script has windows style endings, it will not run RUN sed -i 's/\r$//' ./bin/start.sh # Setup app EXPOSE 4900 ENTRYPOINT ["./bin/start.sh"]复制 我得到以下异常: ERROR: for app-testwebapi-...
# display $ at end of each line, display TAB characters as ^I, use ^ and M- notation, except for LFD and TABo 1 cat-A testfilename #Text file format converters. Convert text files with DOS or Mac line endings to Unix line endings and vice versa. ...
convert a.png b.png -compress jpeg -resize 1240 \ -extent 1240 -gravity center \ -units PixelsPerInch -density 150x150 multipage.pdf 生成随机数 echo $RANDOM 生成长度为n字节的16进制随机数(最终生成的16进制字符串的长度是2n): openssl rand -hex n ...
Convert all files from dos2unix SUCCESS: Converted Scripts to Unix Line endings Entered /Projets/node/nodejs_zb_gateway Directory Installing Node Modules > bufferutil@1.1.0 install /home/yk/ti/Zigbee_3_0_Linux_Gateway_1_0_0/source/Projects/node/nodejs_zb_gateway/node_modules/bufferutil > ...
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