(iii) top:This command will display the real-time data about your Linux machine. It shows the status summary, for how long the computer is running, average load, number of tasks running, CPU information, memory information, the status of processes, etc. You need to press Q to exit from ...
In Unix-like systems, the “nproc” command is a tool that is used to count the number of available processing units available to the current processes. It also counts the total number of installed processing units present in a system. The “nproc” is a
Tutorial Six Other useful UNIX commands quota To check your current quota and how much of it you have used, type % quota -v df The df command reports on the space left on the file system. For example, to find out how much space is left on the fileserver, type % df . du The du ...
Tutorial on using find, a UNIX and Linux command for walking a file hierarchy. Examples of finding a file by name, finding and deleting a file, finding a directory and searching by modification time and permissions. The UNIX and Linux find command ...
In this tutorial, you will learn to use themancommand in Linux. Prerequisites A machine runningLinux. Access to the terminal. An account withsudoorrootprivileges. Linux man Command Syntax The basicmancommand syntax is: man [options] [section number] [command name] ...
Linuxsystem administratorsoften need access to information about currently logged-in users. TheGNUpackage contains thewhocommand that provides the necessary options. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use thewhocommand to display a list of the logged-in users, seeboot timeinformation, processes...
GDB Command Line Arguments: Starting GDB: gdb name-of-executable gdb -e name-of-executable -c name-of-core-file gdb name-of-executable --pid=process-id Use ps -auxw to list process id's: Attach to a process already running: [prompt]$ ps -auxw | grep myapp user1 2812 ...
Tutorial on using mv, a UNIX and Linux command to move or rename files. Examples of moving a file, moving multiple files, moving a directory, prompting before overwriting and taking a backup before moving.The UNIX and Linux mv command ...
The “down” command disables a network interface, preventing it from sending or receiving data. Conversely, the “up” command enables the interface, allowing it to actively send and receive data. Set a Static IP Address in Linux To assign a static IP address to a network interface in Linux...
1. Commandlinefu 支持 html 格式 2. 是否支持论坛:否 #17:Debian 管理技巧和资源 Debian Linux Adminstration: Tips and Tutorial For Sys Admin 这个网站包含一些只和 Debian GNU/Linux 相关的主题、技巧和教程,特别是包含了关于系统管理的有趣和有用的信息。你可以在上面贡献文章、建议和问题。提交了之后不要...