输入完 'mig' 多按几次 ctrl + r ,就可以继续向前搜索 “mig" 的内容了。 ( if you want to search the last but n result, just press n times 'ctrl + r'.) 如果找到了,按 -> 或者直接回车,就是执行 ( press Enter to execute the command , or 'right arrow (->)' to go to the end ...
VI COMMAND :set number :set nonumber VI COMMAND /keywork //search
(3)find—— 查找文件 格式:findfolder-to-search-name filename 用途:在特定的目录位置查找与条件匹配的文件。 (4)tar—— 归档/查看/提取压缩文件 格式:tarfunction [option] object1 object2 ... 用途: tar -cvf 创建对应压缩文件; tar -tvf 查看对应压缩文件; tar -xvf 提取对应压缩文件。 (5)gzip/...
unzip <archive-to-extract.zip>对gzip文档进行解压。在解压之前,可以使用unzip -l <archive-to-extract.zip>命令查看文件内容。 17.help <command-name> --help会在终端列出所有可用的命令,可以使用任何命令的-h或-help选项来查看该命令的具体用法。 18.whatis – What is this command whatis <command-name>...
使用电脑的时候,经常需要查找文件。 在Linux中,有很多方法可以做到这一点。国外网站LinuxHaxor总结了五条命令,你可以看看自己知道几条。大多数程序员,可能经常使用其中的2到3条,对这5条命令都很熟悉的人应该是不多的。 1. find find是最常见和最强大的查找命令,你可以用它找到任何你想找的文件。
11 Advanced Linux Grep Command Examples How to Use fgrep Command to Search for Strings in Linux egrep – Search for Specific Strings in Multiple Files You can usegrepto find information about a specific user from the system accounts file:/etc/passwdas shown below. ...
Thefindcommand in Linux is used to find a file (or files) by recursively filtering objects in the file system based on a simple conditional mechanism. You can use thefindcommand to search for a file or directory on your file system. By using the-execflag (find -exec), matches, which ...
Search Command History UseCtrl-R then type the command nameyou used last time, you will see a console window like: (reverse−i−search)`': Use Ctrl-R key combination to scroll backword through the history UseCtrl-R repeatedlyto find every string you entered ...
Then you can installGoogleron Linux by executing the below-given command: sudoaptinstallgoogler Once the installation is completed,Googleris ready to go, launch it by running the following command in the terminal: googler For example, if you want to search ‘linux’you’d type that, the resu...
grep -r keyword /path/to/search “` – 在标准输入中查找包含”keyword”关键字的行: “` command | grep keyword “` 4. ls命令结合通配符: “` ls [pattern] “` ls命令可以显示当前目录下的文件和目录。结合通配符可以查找符合特定规律的文件。