In this tutorial we are going to learn how find Public IP Address of our computer using Linux curl command.Normally, if we want to find the public IP Address we use, we go to google and search “what is my ip address”. But if you use Linux, you can get your public IP Address ...
In the screenshot, we first identified our AWS Cloud server running Ubuntu Linux’s private IP address and then used the “cURL” command to get Public IP addresses –Ipv4 and Ipv6. 2. wget If you don’t want to use thecURLand have “wget” on your system already, then that can be...
This command works because returning the IP address is the default action of the website. If the default action ever changes, we might get a different result returned to us. To cater to this, we can specify we are requesting our IP address by adding the "ip" identifier to the URL. cur...
The ip command also prints the IPv6 address attached to the network interfaces of your Linux server or workstation. As you can see, on my CentOS 7 server, the IPv6 address attached to theens33network interface isfe80:fd75:7722:6480:6d8f. The same way, the IPv6 address configured to ...
可: $ wget -qO- ; echo $ curl $ curl ; echo $ curl $ curl $...*Current IP Address: //' -e 's/<.*$//' References# Command for determining my public IP?
Get Public IP Using the host Command Thehostutility provides access to DNS-related information, including the public IP address of your Linux machine. When you run this command without any options, it will show the DNS server's name, address, and the public IP of your system. ...
2: IP Address from ipinfo Using curl Command The commandcurl uses thecurlutility to retrieve the public IP address of the system it is being executed on. When thecurlcommand is executed, it makes aGETrequest to theipinfo.ioAPI, which returns the public IP address. ...
Using Curl to Return your Public IP Address The curl command is another networking utility that allows you to interact with servers on the internet. You can query servers to return your public IP using the following options: $ curl OR $ curl ...
可: $ wget -qO- ; echo $ curl $ curl ; echo $ curl $ curl $...*Current IP Address: //' -e 's/<.*$//' References# Command for determining my public IP?
Method-2: Using host command Host commandis a simple CLI application to performDNS lookup. It is commonly used to convert names to IP addresses and vice versa. To view the domain or Linux system public IP address withhostcommand, use the following customized host command: ...