1. 删除单个文件:假设你要删除的文件名叫做 `file.txt`,那么你只需要执行 `rm file.txt` 就可以了。2. 删除文件夹:如果你要删除的是一个空的文件夹,例如 `empty_folder`,你可以执行 `rmdir empty_folder` 来删除它。如果你要删除的是一个包含其他文件或者文件夹的文件夹,例如 `my_folder`,你需要使...
4. `rm`命令与`grep`命令的组合: `rm -r folder_name && rm -rf folder_name` 这个命令首先使用`rm -r`命令删除指定文件夹及其内容,然后使用`rm -rf`命令强制删除指定文件夹。`-f`选项表示强制删除,无需确认。 5. `trash-cli`工具: `trash empty` `trash-cli`是一个命令行工具,用于将文件和文件夹...
你可以使用以下命令来删除文件: `find 文件夹路径 -name “文件名” -delete` 例如,如果要在当前目录下查找名为example.txt的文件并删除它,你可以输入以下命令: `find . -name “example.txt” -delete` 注意:find命令除了可以根据文件名匹配删除文件外,还可以使用其他条件来筛选需要删除的文件。 4. shred命令:...
Here's a replay of all the above command examples to help you out: 💡 The interactive deletion mode is even more helpful while deleting a directory with the recursive option of the rm command:rm-ri dir_name So, you learned to delete files and folders both using Linux commands. It's t...
When the "rmdir" command is used to delete non-empty directories, the error "remove Directory not empty" occurs. This post explains why the error "remove Directory not empty" happens and how to resolve it. Various examples of removing non-empty directories are also shown for clarity. And if...
Step 1. Use the prefix sudo at the start of the rm command to avoid this error: sudo rm -rf dirName Or: sudo rm -rf /somedir/ Step 2. To delete a folder whose name begins with a “-,” such as“-backups,” enter one of the following commands: ...
另外,还有一种方法是使用特定的命令来删除空文件夹。在命令行中,我们可以使用“rmdir”命令来删除空文件夹。要删除一个名为“empty_folder”的空文件夹,我们只需在命令行中输入“rmdir empty_folder”。需要注意的是,使用该命令时只能删除空文件夹,如果文件夹中包含文件或子文件夹,该命令将无法执行删除操作。
设置文件的行号,取消文件的行号.[命令行下: set nu和:set nonu] 编辑/etc/profile 文件,在一般模式下, 使用快捷键到该文档的最末行[G]和最首行[gg] 在一个文件中输入 "hello" ,在一般模式下, 然后又撤销这个动作u 要执行反撤销,即重新应用刚才撤销的操作,你可以使用以下两种方法之一: ...
However, there is a slight difference between these two commands. With rmdir, you can only delete empty directories. If you have a folder that contains multiple files, you are bound to use the rm command. To delete an empty folder using the rmdir command: ...
Use thermcommand to remove non-empty directories. This command is meant for removing files, but we can combine it with options like-r,-rf, and-dto delete a directory. Here’s the syntax for the command: rm option FileOrFolderName