CLFIM or Clifm is a text-based terminal file manager that operates on the command line. Unlike other terminal file managers, such as Midnight Commander and Ranger, which are built using the TUI design principles, Clifm is built using CLI design principles. Clifm is designed to provide a si...
Tcpdumpone of the most widely used command-linenetwork packet analyzerorpackets snifferprogram that is used capture or filterTCP/IPpackets that received or transferred on a specific interface over a network. It also provides a option to save captured packages in a file for later analysis. tcpdum...
书中举了一个例子:The answer is power and flexibility. While it is easy to perform simple file manipulations with a graphical file manager, complicated tasks can be easier with the command-line programs. For example, how could we copy all the HTML files from one directory to another—but only...
Dolphin– A lightweight, free and open source file manager. Midnight Commander– A command line file manager app which can only search, copy, move and delete files and directories. Krusader– A file manager like Midnight Commander but with a GUI. ...
例如:应用最为广泛的WindowsExplorer (微软的windows系列操作系统),还有也包括广为人知的 Linux shell,其中linux shell 包括 X window manager (BlackBox和FluxBox),以及功能更强大的CDE、GNOME、KDE、XFCE。 (2)命令行式Shell(Command Line Interface shell ,即CLI shell) ...
【Linux】《The Command Line Handbook》 读书笔记(上半部分) 前言 这篇博客介绍的命令确实比较多,并且受到平台字数影响,拆分为上下两个部分。 与其说是读书笔记,实际上更像是学学英语顺带学学Linux命令。这本书是通过每天挤一点时间边看边学边敲完成的,每天日常翻翻所以顺序和原始博客网站不一样。 个人起初看...
《The Command Line Book》学习笔记 书籍地址 Learning The Shell 初试Shell 命令行打开快捷键:<C-Alt-T> me@ubuntu16.04:~$ 以上格式含义为:用户名@电脑名:当前文件夹和$。 如果不是$,而是以 “#”结尾表示为超级用户权限。 导航: <Up>:上一个命令 ...
另:The Linux Command Line是最好的学习Linux命令、shell编程,了解Linux文化的书。整本书结构清晰、明快生动、示例丰富。怎么看?就像这本书前言所说,当故事书看。 嗯,比鸟书好。如果你对Linux完全不了解安装都不会,看鸟哥那本;如果你情况跟题主类似,已经装上Linux会打开终端,看TLCL。 感谢billie66同学为我们贡献...
Now, to be frank, some of the tasks performed by these commands are more easily done with a graphical file manager. With a file manager, we can drag and drop a file from one directory to another, cut and paste files, delete files, and so on. So why use these old command-line progr...
如果希望 stderr 重定向到 file,可以这样写: #stderr 重定向到 file$command2>file#stderr 追加到 file 文件末$command2>>file#将 stdout 和 stderr 合并后重定向到 file$command> file 2>&1 或 $command>> file 2>&1#stdin 和 stdout 都重定向。command命令将 stdin 重定向到 file1,将 stdout 重定...