The wc (word count) command prints counts of lines, words, and bytes in a file.Syntax:wc [options] [file]Options:-l –Print only the line count. -w –Print only the word count. -c –Print only the byte count.For example:wc report.txt...
Ctrl + k – delete from cursor to the end of the command line Ctrl + u – delete from cursor to the start of the command line Ctrl + w – delete from cursor to start of word (i.e. delete backwards one word) Ctrl + y – paste word or text that was cut using one of the dele...
清除整行:Ctrl + u或Ctrl + k 恢复刚刚删除的字符:Ctrl + y 清除光标到行尾的内容:Ctrl + k 清除光标到行首的内容:Ctrl + u 删除光标所在位置的字符:Backspace或Ctrl + h 删除光标所在位置的字符:Delete或Ctrl + d 光标向上滚动一页:Shift + Page Up 光标向下滚动一页:Shift + Page Down 移动光标到...
COMMAND [OPTIONS...] [ARGUMENTS...] 选项:用于启用或关闭命令的某个或某些功能 短选项:-c 例如:-l, -h 长选项:--word 例如:--all, --human-readable 参数:命令的作用对象,比如文件名,用户名等注意: 多个选项或多参数和命令之间使用空白字符分隔 取消和结束命令执行:Ctrl+c,Ctrl+d 多个命令可以用;符号...
Word Patterns Line Patterns Additional Patterns available only when using the egrep command The cut command The Linux File Permissions Concept User categories Permission types Operations allowed related permissions Users and groups Umask Working with editors Stackoverflow questions Checking Resource Usage Man...
You can also use the Ctrl+K keys that cuts the entire line. If you don’t paste it anywhere, it’s as good as deleting a line. If you want to delete multiple lines, you may use Ctrl+K on all of them one by one. Another option is to use the marker (Ctrl+A). Set the marker...
《The Command Line Book》学习笔记 书籍地址 Learning The Shell 初试Shell 命令行打开快捷键:<C-Alt-T> me@ubuntu16.04:~$ 以上格式含义为:用户名@电脑名:当前文件夹和$。 如果不是$,而是以 “#”结尾表示为超级用户权限。 导航: <Up>:上一个命令 ...
The mkdir command is used to create a new directory. For example, “mkdir newdir” would create a new directory named “newdir” in the current directory. 4. rm (Remove): The rm command is used to remove files and directories. For example, “rm file.txt” would delete the file named...
NOTE If you have any questions about the commands described in the previous sections, you may be able to find the answers by using the man command. 注意 如果您对前面章节中描述的命令有任何疑问,可以使用 man 命令找到答案。 Manual pages are referenced by numbered sections. When someone refers to...
Shell通常被称作命令行界面(Command Line Interface)。 5.ps命令 ps命令通常用来列出在系统上运行的进程。没有参数的ps命令显示了在单个终端(或图形环境中的终端窗口)上启动的所有进程。在下面的例子中,用户elvis发现他的终端上当前有两个运行的进程:bash Shell和ps命令本身。 [elvis@station elvis]$ ps PID TTY ...