主要通过ICMP协议进行网络探测,测试网络中主机的通信情况。 ping[选项] IP 选项: -b 后面加入广播地址,用于对整个网段进行探测(知道整个网络中有多少个主机是可以和我们通信,而不是一个一个IP地址地进行探测) -c 次数 用于指定ping的次数 -s字节 指定探测包的大小 如ping -b -c 3 netstat net...
root@localhost:/home/avi#lsof-iTCP:22-sTCP:LISTENCOMMANDPIDUSERFDTYPEDEVICESIZE/OFFNODENAMEsshd2261root3uIPv483660t0TCP*:ssh(LISTEN)sshd2261root4uIPv683690t0TCP*:ssh(LISTEN)48.find-size+100M这条find命令会在当前目录下列出所有超过指定大小的文件(这里指定为100MB),递归查询。 #find-size+100M./....
root@localhost:/home/avi# lsof -iTCP:22 -sTCP:LISTEN COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME sshd 2261 root 3u IPv4 8366 0t0 TCP *:ssh (LISTEN) sshd 2261 root 4u IPv6 8369 0t0 TCP *:ssh (LISTEN) 48. find -size +100M 这条find命令会在当前目录下列出所有超过指定大小的... Language Support Installation To install langpacks and additional language support from the Languages group, run this command:su -c 'yum groupinstall <language>-support'In the command above, <language> is one of assamese, bengali, chinese, gujarati, hindi, japanese, kannad...
转载 doscommand 5月前 14阅读 linux u盘命令 Linux U盘命令简介 随着计算机技术的快速发展,操作系统也在不断更新和演进。Linux作为一个免费且开源的操作系统,越来越受到广大用户的喜爱和使用。在使用Linux系统时,经常需要使用U盘进行数据传输、安装新的操作系统或者进行系统维护等。本文将为大家介绍一些常用的Linux U...
COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICESIZE/OFF NODE NAME sshd2261root3uIPv483660t0TCP *:ssh(LISTEN) sshd2261root4uIPv683690t0TCP *:ssh(LISTEN) 48. find -size +100M 这条find命令会在当前目录下列出所有超过指定大小的文件(这里指定为100 MB),递归查询。
Systems running custom kernels older than 2.6.37, or RHEL-based kernels older than 2.6.32-504, must set the boot parameternuma=offon the kernel command line ingrub.conf. For more information, seeRed Hat KB 436883. Don't configure a swap partition on the OS disk. You can configure the...
The below command will output the ‘Geographical Location‘ of theIP address, provided. $ curl ipinfo.io "ip": "xx.xx.xx.xx", "hostname": "triband-del-aa.bbb.cc.ddd.bol.net.in", "city": null, "region": null, "country": "IN", ...
Use a tool, such as sqlcmd, to run the following Transact-SQL command on your Linux SQL Server instance. This command restores the Language Statistics database. SQL Copy RESTORE DATABASE [semanticsdb] FROM DISK = N'/opt/mssql/misc/semanticsdb.bak' WITH FILE = 1, MOVE N'se...
There is also the command-line tool im-switch for changing the user and system configuration. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 uses an alternatives-based system of files in /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/ and ~/.xinput.d/ to configure the input methods used for different locales. Users of locales ...