Command (m for help): m //输入m列出常用的命令 Help: DOS (MBR) a toggle a bootable flag //切换分区启动标记 b edit nested BSD disklabel //编辑sdb磁盘标签 c toggle the dos compatibility flag //切换dos兼容模式 Generic d delete a partition //删除分区 F list free unpartitioned space //...
大小为20G 对该硬盘分区 1、进入该硬盘 [root@localhost ~]# fdisk.../dev/sdc 2、给这个硬盘分3个区,每个硬盘5G空间大小 [root@localhost ~]# fdisk /dev/sdc Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.23.2...5242880 83 Linux Command (m for help): #w 保存退出 The partition table has been altered!....
7. Using the Glances Command This is a cross-platform system monitoring tool that displays information about running processes, cpu load, storage space usage, memory usage, swap space usage, and many more. # glances Glances Check Swap Usage ...
If the disk has multiple partitions, the additional space can only be allocated to the partition at the disk end. If a disk uses MBR, the storage space in excess of 2 TiB cannot be used because the maximum capacity that MBR supports is 2 TiB. If your disk already uses MBR for ...
$storageType = 'Standard_LRS' #Provide the Azure region (e.g. westus) where Managed Disks will be located. #This location should be same as the snapshot location #Get all the Azure location using command below: #Get-AzLocation $location = 'westus' $snapshot = Get-AzSnaps...
Command (mforhelp): n All spaceforprimary partitions isinuse. Adding logical partition 6 First sector (2873344-10485759, default 2873344): Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G,T,P} (2873344-10485759, default 10485759): +2G Created a new partition 6 oftype'Linux'and of size 2 GiB. ...
确保已打开端口 445:SMB 通过 TCP 端口 445 通信 - 请确保防火墙或 ISP 未阻止 TCP 端口 445 与客户端计算机通信。 替换<your-resource-group>和<your-storage-account>,然后运行以下脚本: bash RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME="<your-resource-group>"STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME="<your-storage-account>"# This command assume...
command: taskmanager scale: 1 environment: - | FLINK_PROPERTIES= jobmanager.rpc.address: jobmanager taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: 2 3、运行docker-compose.yml文件 docker-compose up -d 4、关闭服务器防火墙 systemctl stop firewalld systemctl status firewalld ...
<CE6866-48S8CQ-P>system-view Enter system view, return user view with return command. Warning: The current device is single master board. Exercise caution when performing this operation. [~CE6866-48S8CQ-P]interface 25GE1/0/26 [~CE6866-48S8CQ-P-25GE1/0/26]dcb pfc enable mode manual...