sudo 注:sudo 是通过另一个用户来执行命令(execute a command as another user),su 是用来切换用户,然后通过切换到的用户来完成相应的任务,但sudo 能后面直接执行命令,比如sudo 不需要root 密码就可以执行root 赋与的执行只有root才能执行相应的命令;但得通过visudo 来编辑/etc/sudoers来实现; visudo 注:visodo ...
users:x:100:[Note:useradd-n command created user sathiyawithdefaultgroup id100]# passwd sathiya Changing passwordforuser sathiya.NewUNIXpassword:RetypenewUNIXpassword:passwd:all authentication tokens updated successfully.[Note:Alwayssetthe password immediately after user creation] 示例3:编辑 useradd 使用...
1、使用root用户登录mysql 2、添加具有本地(localhost/访问权限的用户 #create user 'newuser'@'localhost' identified...create user 'newuser'@'%' identified by 'password'; ...
1.1 创建一个普通账户 新建用户主要用useradd这个命令 [david@192 ~]$ ls -al /usr/sbin/useradd -rwxr-x---. 1 root root 103096 Aug 2 2011 /usr/sbin/useradd 以上我们可知useradd的操作权限,只有管理员用户组的才能操作。 [root@192 weijie]# useradd [option] david -u uid -g groupname usern...
2. Create the new user From the terminal window, create the user olivia with the command: sudo adduser olivia The above command will ask you a few questions: New password (you'll type and verify a new password for the user) Full Name ...
CREATE_MAIL_SPOOL=no 参数详解: -u:UID -g:缺省所属用户组GID -G:指定所属多个组 -d:宿目录 -s:命令解释器Shell -c:描述信息 -e:指定用户失效时间 例子: root@fnngj-virtual-machine:/#useradd -u 1888 -g webadmin -G sys,root -s /bin/bash -c "market lisi" -e 2012-12-12 jack ...
1、添加用户:useradd或adduser( adduser 命令软链接指向useradd命令)添加用户命令有useradd或adduser...
登录MySQL [root@VM_0_2_33_CentOS /]#mysql -u root -p 添加新用户允许本地 IP 访问 localhost, mysql>create...123456'; 允许外网 IP 访问 mysql>create user 'test'@'%' identif...
2. Add the new user Once you've logged in, create a new user with the command: sudo adduser USERNAME Where USERNAME is the name of the user to be added. You'll be prompted to create a new password for the user, followed by full name, room number, work phone, home phone, and ot...
user03 user03useradd: group'1001'does not exist[root@localhost ~]# id user03id: user03: No such user[root@localhost ~]# useradd -u 1001 -g 1001 -d /home/abc/user03 user03useradd: cannot create directory /home/abc/user03[root@localhost ~]# id user03id: user03: No such user[...