1. 使用命令行历史记录:Linux系统会自动记录用户在终端中输入的命令。可以通过使用`history`命令来查看命令行的历史记录。可以通过在`.bashrc`或`.bash_profile`配置文件中设置`HISTSIZE`和`HISTFILESIZE`来限制记录的历史记录条数和文件大小。 2. 使用`script`命令:`script`命令可以将交互式会话的所有内容(包括用户...
Therefore, the current contents of the history command and bash_history file are usually different. Let’s check the last five lines of the ~/.bash_history file: $ tail -5 ~/.bash_history tail tail cd ls ls With the -5 option with tail, we can have the five recent commands in the...
sudo还是su命令的用法在不同版本(如ubuntu)中用法差异较大,有的版本两个 命令都有。 进入新用户shell实例后,使用命令sudo时,会报错”\[用户名] is not in the sudoers file”。解决办法参考:http://askubuntu.com/questions/151200/mmaiusernaminoithsudoerfile 即修改/etc/sudoers文件。编辑此文件后,如果写入...
1 root@raspberry:~# ddif=/home/user/Downloads/debian.iso of=/dev/sdb1 bs=512M; sync 注意:在上面的例子中,usb设备就是sdb1(你应该使用lsblk命令验证它,否则你会重写你的磁盘或者系统),请慎重使用磁盘的名,切忌。 dd 命令在执行中会根据文件的大小和类型 以及 usb设备的读写速度,消耗几秒到几分钟不...
执行 history 中的命令 # 注释,常用在脚本中;超级用户的命令提示符 / 根目录;路径分隔符 \(反斜杠) 转义字符,去除其后紧跟的元字符或通配符的特殊意义 shell 转义字符: 转换和删除字符:tr‘’(单引号) 硬转义,其内部所有的shell元字符、通配符都会被关掉。“”(双引号) 软转义,其内部只允许出现特定的shell元...
Bash history- Network linux commands man page Shell scripting What is Shell? Types of Shell? Scripts and Shell info Variables in Shell programming Predifined variables (environement variables) User defined variables variables name variable scopes Variable substitution Command substitution Command Line ...
history –Display previously used commands within the current terminal session. man –Access help manuals for commands right within the terminal. screen –Manage multiple terminal sessions from a single window. ssh –Establish secure encrypted connections to remote servers. tcpdump –Capture network traf...
(Read-only mode ensures that fsck can check the root filesystem safely; after the check, the bootup process remounts the root filesystem in read-write mode.) ro参数是正常的;它指示内核在用户空间启动时以只读模式挂载根文件系统。 (只读模式确保fsck可以安全地检查根文件系统;检查完成后,启动过程会将...
[root@ping ~]# history -d 122 指定122行的命令历史记录清除 [root@ping ~]# history -c 清除当前用户输入命令所有历史记录 runlevel - output previous and current runlevel [root@ping ~]# runlevel N 3 查看当前系统的运行级别 init - Upstart process management daemon ...
[ Check out Seth Kenlon's history lesson:Make Bash history more useful with these tips] Another problem Since the HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE are relatively large (1000 commands), it's possible that the student ran the command before. You can add the export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups entry into the...