a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multipart archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive. unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of abc.zip or abc.zip.zip, and cannot find abc.zip.ZIP, period...
我系统没按bz2,出现了tar (child): bzip2: Cannot exec: No such file or directory,请安装yum install bzip2 -y如果执行make命令时,提示安装g的话,请执行 yum install gcc-c 出现以下信息,即为安装完毕 ./install.sh /usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib/p7zip /usr/local/man /usr/local/share/doc/p7zip...
2. “unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of xxx.zip or xxx.zip.zip, and cannot find xxx.zip.ZIP, period.”: 这表示zip文件没有找到或文件路径错误。请确保提供的文件路径是正确的,并且文件确实存在。另外,请确保ZIP文件的扩展名是.zip,并且不是.zip.zip或.zip.ZIP。还可以尝试使用绝对路径...
unzip encountered the following error: "cannot find zipfile directory in one of 9.zip or test.zip.zip, and cannot find test.zip.ZIP, period." If both the compressed file is complete and the local setup is correct, you can try using the java command instead:shell[root@ajcheng...
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of rapidjson-master.zip or rapidjson-master.zip.zip, and cannot find rapidjson-master.zip.ZIP, period. 解压命令: unzip rapidjson-master.zip 如下图所示: 2. 网上说可能原因是文件没有上传完整或是还没有上传完,我试了几次,都是同样的错误,所以这个问题可...
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of abc.zip or abc.zip.zip, and cannot find abc.zip.ZIP, period. 1、原因一,是文件还在上传之中,没有上传完。 2、 用jar 来解 $ jar xvf abc.zip 如果出现 jar:Command not found 要用yum下载 ...
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive. unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of pdi-ce- or ...
unzip:cannot find zipfile directoryinone of google.zip or google.zip.ZIP,and cannot find google.zip.ZIP,period. unzip的功能还是有些局限的,这里的解决办法就是看你在windows下使用的压缩软件,比如是使用7-zip还是使用的tar。我这里使用的是7-zip进行的文件压缩,网上有说使用jar进行解压的办法解决的,有说...
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of trunk.zip or trunk.zip.zip, and cannot find trunk.zip.ZIP, period. 文件大小为 2.2G,可能是 unzip 设置了这个限制吧。在网上查到要用 jar 来解 jar xvf trunk.zip 如果出现 jar:Command not found ...
zip -r archive_name.zip directory_name/ -x file_to_exclude 分卷压缩如果需要将压缩文件分成多个较...