const char *from = "Shared memory example."; memcpy(to, from, qMin(sharedMemory.size(), strlen(from))); sharedMemory.unlock(); 1 2 3 4 5 在需要从共享内存读取数据的进程中,我们也需要同样通过lock和unlock方法来保证线程安全性。 sharedMemory.lock(); char *from = (char*)sharedMemory.const...
memory_leak_example1.cpp 中,Valgrind报告definitely lost 40字节,即10次迭代中的1个int指针已泄漏,因为失效迭代器引发的内存泄漏。 请注意,Valgrind输出中的其他部分包含调试信息和程序执行状态的概述,我们在这里关注的主要是LEAK SUMMARY部分。 异常安全性 当我们在使用STL的函数或算法时,需要注意它们的异常安全性。...
共享内存(Shared Memory)是一种进程间通信(IPC,Inter-Process Communication)的方式,允许多个进程通过访问同一块内存区域来实现数据共享和快速通信。它是一种效率极高的通信机制,因为数据不需要在进程间进行复制,只需在同一块内存中直接读写即可。 1.2 共享内存的特点 高效:数据在高效内存区域是直接共享的,不需要在进...
==12345==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks Direct leak of 816 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from: #0 0x7f3e7ec8db50 in __interceptor_malloc (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #1 0x7f3e7c0027d8 in av_malloc (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
gcc -g -fsanitize=address ./leak-example.c gcc -fuse-ld=gold -fsanitize=address -g ./lsan.c #1 0x40084e in main lsan.c:9 内存泄漏不一定在用户空间,排查内核空间,检测slab , vmalloc slaptop, 检查申请和释放不成对。 在内核编译,打开kmemleak选项。
1 Shared memory across processes on Linux/x86_64 0 Share process memory with mmap 4 Linux: is it possible to share code between processes? 3 Sharing memory between processes on linux 2 IPC using shared memory in C 2 mmap() for shared memory and threads 1 shared memory/mmap 6 ...
3 Linux Shared Memory 0 Shared memory API, where a process can attach shared memory to other process 3 Shared memory interprocess communication 2 problems at a shared-memory based chat application 0 C linux proxy server 1 C++ linux proxy server communications 3 C memory management in...
/*@filename:example_2_2.c*/#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<string.h>char*get_str_1() {charstr[] ="hello world";returnstr; }char*get_str_2() {char*str ="hello world";returnstr; }char*get_str_3() {chartmp[] ="hello world";char*str; ...
}private:std::shared_ptr<MYSQL>create_connection(){ MYSQL* conn =mysql_init(nullptr);if(!mysql_real_connect(conn, url_.c_str(), user_.c_str(), password_.c_str(),nullptr,0,nullptr,0)) {mysql_close(conn);throwstd::runtime_error(mysql_error(conn)); ...
For example, we entered the following filter: %MEM>5.0 Thetopcommand now shows only the processes that used more than 5% memory. Clear the filters by pressing=. Conclusion Thetopcommand is a must when identifying and dealing with a problem before it affects your system. The dashboard provides...