...@ComponentScan 注解虽然没有显式配置,但是实际上已经包含在了启动类声明注解@SpringBootApplication 中了,默认扫描的范围是SpringBoot启动类所在包及其⼦包 (3...)推荐做法 把启动类放在我们希望扫描的包的路径下,这样我们定义的bean就都可以被扫描到...
sanitize_e820_map(boot_params.e820_map, ARRAY_SIZE(boot_params.e820_map), &new_nr); /*去掉重叠的部分后得到的内存个数*/ boot_params.e820_entries = new_nr; /*将其赋值到全局变量e820中,小于0时,为出错处理*/ if (append_e820_map(boot_params.e820_map, boot_params.e820_entries) < 0) {...
antivirus_engine.threat_type_settings 產品如何處理不同威脅類型的設定。 filesystem_scanner.full_scan_directory 完整掃描目錄。 filesystem_scanner.quick_scan_directories 快速掃描中使用的目錄清單。 edr.latency_mode 偵測和回應元件所使用的延遲模式。 edr.proxy_address 偵測和回應元件所使用的 Proxy 位址...
boot your server from your install medium follow the prompts to installWhere applicable, use the expert install option so you have tighter control of what is running on your server. Only install what you absolutely need. I, personally, do not install anything other than SSH. Also, tick the ...
antivirus_engine.threat_type_settings产品如何处理不同威胁类型的配置。 filesystem_scanner.full_scan_directory完全扫描目录。 filesystem_scanner.quick_scan_directory快速扫描中使用的目录列表。 edr.latency_mode检测和响应组件使用的延迟模式。 edr.proxy_address检测和响应组件使用的代理地址。
The distribution is provided as a portable application, so it doesn’t require installation. However, it must be granted execute permission before use. To ensure that the application has access rights to system memory, boot sectors and other important areas, and can also cure or remove detected...
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Capture your screen, create GIFs, and record videos through this versatile solution that includes various other amenities: an OCR scanner, image uploader, URL shortener, and much more IrfanView 4.70 With support for a long list of plugins, this minimalistic utility helps you view images, as well...
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bkhive 1.1.1 Program for dumping the syskey bootkey from a Windows NT/2K/XP system hive. http://sourceforge.net/projects/ophcrack blackarch-menus 0.2 BlackArch specific XDG-compliant menu http://www.blackarch.org/ blackarch-mirrorlist 20150529 BlackArch Project mirrorlist for use by pacman black...