If you want to do something more elaborate, you could create a script and show a more clear indication that the loop condition became true: #!/bin/bashwhile[!-ddirectory_expected]doecho"`date`- Still waiting"sleep1doneecho"DIRECTORY IS THERE!!!" 3. Using a while loop to manipulate a ...
0 problem with for loop in BASH script 0 bash script for loop 12 bash script - can't get for loop working 0 for loop not working in a shell script 2 for loop in a bash script 0 issue for loop bash 3 Linux shell script for loop error 0 using for loop when scripting ba...
1.1 认识 for ... do ... done 昨天刚学过while,until的循环方式 -->Linux 之 shell script -- loop(不定循环) :符合循环条件便可以无限得循环执行指定的“程序段”,我们便称为不定循环。今天学习与不定循环相对应的for循环,这种语法则是已经知道要进行几次循环的状态。 for ... do ... done的语法结...
Linux Bash Script loop syntax All In One shell 编程之流程控制 for 循环、while 循环和 until 循环 for forvarinitem1 item2 ... itemNdocommand1 command2 ... commandNdone forvarinitem1 item2 ... itemN;docommand1; command2…done; while until demos refs http://www.imooc.com/learn/408 htt...
0. 循环(loop) 今天,终于学习到循环啦~什么是循环? 循环可以不断的执行某个程序段落,直到用户设定的条件达成为止。 而根据循环的次数是否固定,又可以分为不定循环和固定循环,这篇文章里学习while do done和until do done两种不定循环。 1. while do done ...
Linux Bash Script loop shell 编程之流程控制 for 循环、while 循环和 until 循环 for var in item1 item2 ... itemN do command1 command2 ... commandN done 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. for var in item1 item2 ... itemN; do command1; command2… done; ...
For example, you can add the nested loop example to a Bash script to improve its readability, like this: $ vim copy_web_files.sh # !/bin/bash for i in file{1..3};do for x in web{0..3};do echo "Copying $i to server $x" scp $i $x done done When you save and execute ...
exit # exit script fi echo keep running ~/bin/process_data # do some work done 如果要退出循环而不是退出脚本,请使用break命令而不是exit。 #!/bin/bash while true do if [ `date +%H` -ge 17 ]; then break # exit loop fi echo keep running ...
利用直接执行的方式来执行 script 直接指令下达 (不论是绝对路径/相对路径还是 ${PATH} 内),或者是利用bash (或 sh) 来下达脚本时, 该 script 都会使用一个新的 bash 环境来执行脚本内的指令。 也就是说,使用这种执行方式时, 其实 script 是在子程序的 bash 内执行。
示例函数(bash 4): lines() { # Usage: lines "file" mapfile -tn 0 lines < "$1" printf '%s\n' "${#lines[@]}" } 示例函数(bash 3): 此方法使用的内存少于mapfile方法,并在bash3中工作,但对于较大的文件,它的速度较慢。 lines_loop() { ...