/bin/bash # filename: script.sh echo “Total number of command line arguments: $#” echo “All command line arguments: $@” echo “First command line argument: $1” echo “Second command line argument: $2” echo “Loop through all command line arguments:” for arg in “$@” do echo...
/bin/bash # A small example programforusing the newgetopt(1) program. # This program will only work with bash(1) # An similar program using the tcsh(1) script language can be found # as parse.tcsh # Example input and output (from the bash prompt): # ./parse.bash -a par1'another...
find命令的总体格式是find <location> <options and arguments> 用名字来搜(支持通配) reader@ubuntu:~$ find /home/reader/ -name bash reader@ubuntu:~$ find /home/reader/ -name *bash* /home/reader/.bash_logout /home/reader/.bashrc /home/reader/.bash_history reader@ubuntu:~$ find /home/read...
find: 搜索文件比如:根据文件名搜索find . -name filename -print tee: 将数据输出到标准输出设备(屏幕) 和文件比如:somecommand | tee outfile basename file: 返回不包含路径的文件名比如: basename /bin/tux将返回 tux dirname file: 返回文件所在路径比如:dirname /bin/tux将返回 /bin head file: 打印文本...
1 command #1 2 command #2 3 ... 而here document的形式看上去是如下的样子: 1 #!/bin/bash 2 interactive-program <<LimitString 3 command #1 4 command #2 5 ... 6 LimitString 选择一个名字非常诡异的limit string将会避免命令列表和limit string重名的问题. ...
4. Passing arguments to the bash script #!/bin/bash # use predefined variables to access passed arguments #echo arguments to the shell echo $1 $2 $3 ' -> echo $1 $2 $3' # We can also store arguments from bash command line in special array ...
bash: ./myscript: /usr/bin/tail: bad interpreter: No such file or directory Don’t expect more than one argument in the script’s first line to work. That is, the -2 in the preceding example might work, but if you add another argument, the system could decide to treat the -2 ...
# command command ls 在后台运行命令 这将运行给定命令并使其保持运行,即使在终端或SSH连接终止后也是如此。忽略所有输出。 bkr() { (nohup "$@" &>/dev/null &) } bkr ./some_script.sh # some_script.sh is now running in the background...
Users can define their own functions in a script. These functions can take multiple arguments. Add the following lines to the script: #!/bin/bash#This is a comment# defining a variableecho"What is the name of the directory you want to create?"# reading inputreadNAMEecho"Creating$NAME......
evalEvaluate several commands/arguments execExecute a command exitExit the shell expectAutomate arbitrary applications accessed over a terminal expandConvert tabs to spaces exportSet an environment variable exprEvaluate expressions f falseDo nothing, unsuccessfully ...