在Linux中,你可以使用if语句配合特定的测试条件来判断文件夹是否存在。以下是几种常见的方法: 1. 使用test命令 test命令可以用于检查文件夹是否存在。以下是一个示例: bash folder_path="/path/to/your/folder" if test -d "$folder_path"; then echo "Folder exists." else echo "Folder does not exist."...
如果文件夹存在,则会显示”Folder exists”消息。如果文件夹不存在,则会显示”Folder does not exist”消息。 4. 使用test命令结合if语句:可以将test命令与if语句结合使用,以便在脚本中进行条件判断。以下是一个示例脚本: “`shell #!/bin/bash if [ -d “folder” ]; then echo “Folder exists” else echo...
if [ -d folder ]; then echo “Folder exists”; else echo “Folder does not exist”; fi “` 如果文件夹存在,将会输出”Folder exists”;如果文件夹不存在,将会输出”Folder does not exist”。 4. 使用`find`命令:`find`命令可以用于查找文件和文件夹。可以使用`-type d`选项来限制搜索结果只包含文件...
The shell creates file if it does not already exist. If file exists, the shell erases (clobbers) the original file first. (Some shells have parameters that prevent clobbering. For example, enter set -C to avoid clobbering in bash.) 如果文件不存在,shell会创建该文件。 如果文件已经存在,shell...
If spurious output from background processes gets in your way, learn how to redraw the content of your terminal window. The bash shell and most full-screen interactive programs support CTRL-L to redraw the entire screen. If a program is reading from the standard input, CTRL-R usually redraw...
/bin/bash echo-n"Enter Something:" readsomething echo"You Entered:$something" 8.If语句 ifCONDITION then STATEMENTS fi 只有当条件为真时,才会执行这些语句。fi关键字用于标记if语句的结尾。下面显示了一个快速示例。 #!/bin/bashecho -n "Enter a number: "read numif [[ $num -gt 10 ]]thenecho...
/bin/bash echo-n"Enter Something:" readsomething echo"You Entered:$something" 8.If 语句 ifCONDITION then STATEMENTS fi 只有当条件为真时,才会执行这些语句。fi 关键字用于标记 if 语句的结尾。下面显示了一个快速示例。 >#!/bin/bash >echo-n"Enter a number:"...
Bash 複製 RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME="<resource-group-name>" STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME="<storage-account-name>" # Create a folder to store the credentials for this storage account and # any other that you might set up. CREDENTIAL_ROOT="/etc/smbcredentials" sudo mkdir -p "/etc/smbcredentials" # ...
“mkdir”(Make directory)命令在命名路径下创建新的目录。然而如果目录已经存在了,那么它就会返回一个错误信息"不能创建文件夹,文件夹已经存在了"("cannot create folder, folder already exists") root@raspberrypi:/opt/labpark# mkdir raspbox 注意:目录只能在用户拥有写权限的目录下才能创建。mkdir:不能创建目录...
#!/bin/bash #Regular cp works with the assumption that the destination path exists and if it doesn't, it will verify that it's parent directory does. #eg: cp /a/b /c/d will give /c/d/b if folder path /c/d already exists but will give /c/d (where d is renamed copy...