for n in ${fruits[2]}; do echo $n done C语音风格Bash循环 你可以在循环内使用变量来迭代一系列元素。这就是C语言风格Loop的用武之地。以下示例说明了这一点,它打印出从1到 7的数值列表。 #!/bin/bash n=7 for (( n=1 ; n<=$n ; n++ )); do echo $n done C语言风格带有条件语句的Bash...
Hopefully, these examples have demonstrated the power of aforloop at the Bash command line. You really can save a lot of time and perform tasks in a less error-prone way with loops. Just be careful. Your loops will do what you ask them to, even if you ask them to do something destr...
“ for循环”是bash编程语言的语句,它允许重复执行代码。 for循环被归类为迭代语句,即bash脚本中进程的重复。 例如,您可以运行UNIX命令或任务5次,或使用for循环读取和处理文件列表。 可以在shell提示符下或在shell脚本本身内使用for循环。 for循环语法 数字范围的语法如下: for VARIABLE in 1 2 3 4 5 .. N do...
This explains both of the bash for loop methods, and provides 12 different examples on how to use the bash for loop in your shell scripts. Bookmark this article for future reference, as this is the only article you would ever need to refer on how to use bash for loops with examples. ...
Hopefully, these examples have demonstrated the power of a for loop at the Bash command line. You really can save a lot of time and perform tasks in a less error-prone way with loops. Just be careful. Your loops will do what you ask them to, even if you ask them to do something ...
Bash For Loop with Ranges In the previous examples, we explicitly listed the values to be iterated by thefor loop, which works just fine. However, you can only imagine how cumbersome and time-consuming a task it would be if you were to iterate over, for example, a hundred values. This...
echo "Welcome $c times..." done [/code] [code] #!/bin/bash for (( ; ; )) do echo "infinite loops [ hit CTRL+C to stop]" done [/code] ——— 更多例子请查看: [Bash For Loop Examples]()
If you want to know more uses of for loop then you must read this tutorial. 12 most useful examples of ‘for’ loop are shown in this tutorial to know other specific uses of ‘for’ loop in bash. Syntax: for loop can be used by two ways in bash. One way is ‘for-in’ and ...
The continue command instructsBashto stop running through the current iteration of the loop and begin the next iteration. Sometimes some situations prohibit us from going any farther. For instance, maybe we are using theloopto process a series of files, but if we run across a file for which...
In this article, I will take you through 15 Practical Bash for loop Examples in Linux/Unix for Beginners. If you are using Bash Scripting in Linux from long