1.1 文件服务 设置 首先进入NAS服务,打开 [控制面板] ,在控制面版包含** 文件服务 ** 功能如图所示。 然后进入文件服务,设置相关的文件权限: 在“文件服务”右侧选择”SMB/AFP/NFS”一栏,滑倒最下面有个[NFS],打开后,有个”启动NAF服务”的复选框,选中。 这样我们就设置好了NFS服务。 1.2 设置共享文件夹 ...
2、# rpm –ivh iscsi-initiator-utils- 在服务器上安装了iSCSI initiator以及iscsiadm。...假设已知iscsi的目标方IP是192.168.1.1,运行下列命令: # chkconfig iscsi on...
https://github.com/jondonas/linux-exploit-suggester-2 https://github.com/mzet-/linux-exploit-suggester https://github.com/spencerdodd/kernelpop https://github.com/vnik5287/kaslr_tsx_bypass http://www.openwall.com/lkrg/ https://github.com/IAIK/meltdown https://github.com/nforest/droidimg...
This has been tested with ubuntu-22.04-live-server-amd64.iso. First, install all the packages listed as dependencies above. Also install: $ apt install ccache ninja libacl1-dev ccache and ninja are optional, but help with a speedy compile. Depending on your distribution, you'll need to ...
serverino,nosharesock,actimeo=30,mfsymlinks"| sudo tee -a /etc/fstab > /dev/nullelseecho"/etc/fstab was not modified to avoid conflicting entries as this Azure file share was already present. You might want to double check /etc/fstab to ensure the configuration is as desired."fisudo ...
_FILE,serverino,nosharesock,actimeo=30,mfsymlinks" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab > /dev/null else echo "/etc/fstab was not modified to avoid conflicting entries as this Azure file share was already present. You might want to double check /etc/fstab to ensure the configuration is as desired...
其中,205dee4***-uub48.us-west-1.nas.aliyuncs.com为文件系统挂载点地址,请根据实际值替换。 说明 如果控制台SMB ACL选项中选择了启用传输加密,则需要使用vers=3.0挂载。 添加自动挂载配置。 挂载完成后,添加自动挂载配置。重启Linux客户端,将自动完成挂载。 在...
没有有线网卡的笔记本在PVE下All in one | NAS + Linux + Win下载机 (保姆级未完成版) 目录: 1、前言 2、PVE的安装 3、PVE联网前的准备工作 4、PVE使用无线网卡进行联网 5、PVE无线网卡的桥接 6、PVE下创建虚拟机:NAS + Linux + Win下载机
XigmaNAS Network Attached Storage 12. Yunohost Yunohostis a free and open-source lightweight, reliable, and secure self-hosting operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux. It simplifies server administration by offering a friendly web interface for you to administrate your server. ...
In VMware environment Serviceguard supports the usage of either a partitioned disk or a whole LUN as a lock LUN.Cluster lock LUN configuration is not supported for storage array based replication configurations, alternatively use quorum server. For more information on how to configure and use the...