#My custom aliasesalias home=”ssh -i ~/.ssh/mykep.pem tecmint@”alias ll="ls -alF" Save the file. The file will be automatically loaded in your next session. If you want to use the newly defined alias in the current session, issue the following command: $ source ~/.b...
root@tecmint:~# l bash: l: command not found 开个玩笑,把一个重要命令的别名指定为另一个重要命令: alias cd='ls -l' (set alias of ls -l to cd) alias su='pwd' (set alias of pwd to su) ... (You can create your own) ... 想想多么有趣,现在如果你的朋友敲入‘cd'命令,当他看到...
command_1; command_2; command_3 5. Running multiple commands in one single command only if the previous command was successful In the previous command, you saw how to run several commands in one single command to save time. But what if you have to make sure that commands don’t fail?
alias 命令用于查看和创建命令别名,别名允许用户只输入一个单词就运行任意一个命令或一组命令。 命令格式:alias [name]=[command ...] 1.举个例子,为常用的 clear(清除屏幕)命令创建一个别名 c: # 设置别名 [Linux]$ alias c='clear' #查看别名 [Linux]$ alias c alias c='clear' 在指定别名时,等号(...
Add an alias to simplify a common command: alias ll='ls -l' Save your changes and apply them immediately: source ~/.bashrc These customizations can make your shell more user-friendly and efficient. How to Customize the Linux Terminal (color schemes, fonts) ...
github项目地址: cheat/cheat: cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. It was designed to help remind *nix system administrators of options for commands that they use frequently, but not frequently enough to remember. (github.com) 官方安装教程:cheat/INSTALL...
The tee command splits standard input into two streams.It writes the input to standard output (shows the output of the main command) while also saving a copy to a file.For example:cat file.txt | tee copy.txtThis displays file.txt contents to the terminal while simultaneously writing it ...
明:上面用到了一个名为wget的命令,它是一个网络下载器程序,可以从指定的URL下载资源。 拷贝/移动文件 - cp / mv。 代码语言:javascript 复制 [root~]# mkdir backup[root~]# cp sohu.html backup/[root~]# cd backup[root backup]# ls sohu.html[root backup]# mv sohu.html sohu_index.html[root ...
alias glh="git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/head | head" Next Steps To learn more about saving permanent aliases in Bash configuration files as well as using arguments in aliases utilizing Bash functions, see the guide How to Add the Linux alias Command in the .bashrc File. ...