一、linux给用户添加sudo权限: 有时候,linux下面运行sudo命令,会提示类似: xxxis not in the sudoers file. ...这里,xxx是用户名称,然后导致无法执行sudo命令,这时候,如下解决: 进入超级用户模式。也就是输入"su -",系统会让你输入超级用户密码,输入密码...
一、linux给用户添加sudo权限: 有时候,linux下面运行sudo命令,会提示类似: xxxis not in the sudoers file. ...这里,xxx是用户名称,然后导致无法执行sudo命令,这时候,如下解决: 进入超级用户模式。也就是输入"su -",系统会让你输入超级用户密码,输入密码后就进入了超级用户模式。...也就是输入命令"vim /etc...
Linux 中新建用户的命令是 useradd ,一般系统中这个命令对应的路径都在 PATH 环境变量里,如果直接输入...
Method 1: Add a User to Sudoers Using the usermod in Debian 12 To add the users in sudoers using the usermod command, simply follow the below steps. Step 1: Add the User to the Sudo Group First, add the user to the group of sudo by replacing the “username” with the actual usern...
[root@localhost~]# useradd user2//创建用户:user2[root@localhost ~]# [root@localhost~]#passwduser2//设置密码为:user2Changing passwordforuser user2. New password: BAD PASSWORD: The password is shorter than7characters Retype new password:passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. ...
10、恢复/etc/sudoers的权限为440 输入回复权限的命令:chmod 440 /etc/sudoers 11、查看/etc/sudoers的权限是否恢复 输入查看权限命名:ll /etc/sudoers 12、权限恢复正常,切换至普通用户 输入切换用户命令:su 86god 13、测试该用户的权限,我们可以使用命令sudo useradd user3来创建新用户 ...
1 [root@Centos ~]# cat /etc/sudoers # Sudoers allows particular users to run various commands as ## Examples are provided at the bottom of the file for collections ## of related commands, which can then be delegated out to particular ## users or groups. ## This file must be ...
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:#1) Respect the privacy of others.#2) Think before you type.#3) With great power comes great responsibility.[sudo] passwordfortest01: test01 is notinthe sudoers file. This incident will be reported#中文输出[test01@localhost ~]$rm...
## Sudoers allows particular users to run various commands as ## the root user, without needing the root password. ##该文件允许特定用户像root用户一样使用各种各样的命令,而不需要root用户的密码 ## ## Examples are provided at the bottom of the file for collections ...
sudo(superuser do)是 Linux 系统中一种很常用的权限管理机制,允许非root用户以特定的身份执行特定的命令。sudo命令通过/etc/sudoers配置文件实现。 1. 编辑 sudo 权限命令 在终端输入以下命令进入 sudo 配置文件: sudo visudo 注:不要直接编辑/etc/sudoers文件,因为这可能导致配置文件错误,从而无法使用sudo命令。