当你在项目中遇到“lint found errors in the project; aborting build”这样的错误信息时,通常意味着代码风格检查工具(lint工具)在扫描你的项目代码时发现了不符合预设规则的问题,因此中断了项目的构建过程。以下是根据你的提示,详细解答如何处理和解决这个问题的步骤: 1. 理解lint工具的作用及其在项目中的应用 Lint...
Lint found errors in the project; aborting build. 进入该module对应的gradle文件, 配置:、 android{ ... lintOptions { checkReleaseBuilds false // Or, if you prefer, you can continue to check for errors in release builds, // but continue the build even when errors are found: abortOnError fa...
Platform Android [] iOS [] Web [] Desktop (Go) $ android/gradlew clean $ android/gradlew build > Task :file_picker:lint FAILED Ran lint on variant debug: 9 issues found Ran lint on variant release: 9 issues found Ran lint on variant prof...
BUILD FAILED Total time: 4.197 secs Lint found errors in the project; aborting build. Fix the issues identified by lint, or add the following to your build script to proceed with errors: ... android { lintOptions { abortOnError false } } ... 10:41:28: External task execution finished ...
Class referenced in the manifest,com.xxx.xxx.receiver.NetworkReceiver, was not found in the project or the libraries(在清单文件中引用的类com.xxx.xxx.receiver.NetworkReceiver没有在工程中或类库中找到) 其实这里是一个误报,直接无视掉就行,当我们修改完其他Lint错误后,只要再次重复之前的操作(右键工程-...
New capabilities to the public API are added (new classes, new methods, new arguments to existing methods, etc.). A new formatter is created. eslint:recommended is updated and will result in strictly fewer linting errors (e.g., rule removals). Major release (likely to break your lint bui...
1.选择Project->Properties,弹出“Properties for ***”对话框,在这里***为你的项目名称。 <ignore_js_op> 2.选择Adnroid Lint Preferences->Configure Workspace Settings...,弹出Preferences(Filtered)对话框,将"Run full error check when exporting app and abort if fatal errors are found "前的勾去掉,点击...
An AST-based pattern checker for JavaScript.. Latest version: 9.21.0, last published: 8 days ago. Start using eslint in your project by running `npm i eslint`. There are 25077 other projects in the npm registry using eslint.
In cases where it is not convenient to store a configuration file in the root of a project, the--configargument can be used to provide a path to any supported configuration file (exceptpackage.json): markdownlint-cli2 --config"config/.markdownlint-cli2.jsonc""**/*.md""#node_modules...
VS code/Vue/v7/code/demo/src/components/Router2.vue 12:1 error Trailing spaces not allowed no-trailing-spaces 21:9 error Newline required at end of file but not found eol-last ✖ 7 problems (7 errors, 0 warnings) 7 errors and 0 warnings potentially fixable with the `--fix` option...