林檎根的功效与作用: 杀虫,止渴。主治蛔虫病;绦虫病;消渴。 林檎根 拼音名:Lin Qin Gen 英文名:Root of Chinese Pearleaf Crabapple 中药林檎根为蔷薇科植物花红的根。全年均可采挖,洗净,切片,晒干。 原形态 花红 小乔木,高4~6厘米。小枝粗壮,幼时密生柔毛,老时暗紫褐色,无毛。叶互生;叶柄长1.5~5厘米,...
The invention relates to a Relinqing granules and polygonum capitatum thin-layer fingerprint chromatogram determination method. According to the invention, determination is carried out by using thin-layer chromatography with the steps that: (a) a thin-layer sample spotting liquid is prepared, wherein...
Linqing Hongji Group Co., Ltd. - pickled steel plate, cold-rolled steel plate, galvanized steel sheet, aluminized zinc silicon steel sheet, color coated steel sheet, fingerprint resistant steel plate, slitting / Kaiping / corrugated board
linqingen 林檎根性味:味苦,性平。 归经:归胃、大肠经。林檎根的功效与作用消渴。 林檎根主治主治蛔虫病,绦虫病,消渴。 林檎根药用部位为蔷薇科植物林檎的根,植物形态详"林檎"条。 林檎根相关中药 林檎 Copyright©2022 www.xjlz365.com 本站内容仅供参考,不作为诊断及医疗依据...
Linqing city hundred million united bearing co., LTD was founded in 2010, specializing in the production of big small and medium-sized deep groove ball bearings and tapered roller bearings, as well as the outer spherical bearing, self-aligning ball bearings. 10 mm - 800 mm in diameter. The...
药材基源:为蔷薇科植物花红的根。 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Malus asiatica Nakai 采收和储藏:全年均可采挖,洗净,切片,晒干。 【原形态】花红 小乔木,高4-6cm。小枝粗壮,幼时密生柔毛,老时暗紫褐色,无毛。叶互生;叶柄长1.5-5cm,有短柔毛;叶片卵形或椭圆形,长5-11cm,宽4-5.5cm,先端急尖或渐尖,基部圆形或宽...
Linqing Splendor Bearing Co.,Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of Ball bearings in Panzhuang Town,Linqing City,Shandong Province,China; Tel:+86-635-2110310
Linqing Tongxing Bearing Forging Co., Ltd. was established in October 2001. It is located at the intersection of Xike Village and Provincial Highway 323. It covers an area of more than 10,000 square meters and has a registered capital of 10 million yuan. It specializes in the prod...
Founded in 2014, Linqing Taiyun Bearing Co., Ltd. is located in Tangyuan Industrial Park, Linqing City, Liaocheng City, Shandong Province. It is a professional manufacturer of cylindrical roller bearings, tapered roller bearings, self-aligning roller bea