SingleColumn(lines, exam + 1); Console.WriteLine(); MultiColumns(lines); } static void SingleColumn(IEnumerable<string> strs, int examNum) { Console.WriteLine("Single Column Query:"); // Parameter examNum specifies the column to // run the calculations on. This value could be ...
Columns(IEnumerable<string> strs){ Console.WriteLine("Multi Column Query:");// Create a query, multiColQuery. Explicit typing is used// to make clear that, when executed, multiColQuery produces// nested sequences. However, you get the same results by// using 'var'.// The...
SingleColumn(lines, exam + 1); Console.WriteLine(); MultiColumns(lines); } static void SingleColumn(IEnumerable<string> strs, int examNum) { Console.WriteLine("Single Column Query:"); // Parameter examNum specifies the column to // run the calculations on. This value could be // passed...
Select and check a boolean value with stored procedure? SELECT column aliases: Refer to alias in another column? SELECT COUNT from 2 intersected tables select count(*) Select DISTINCT in LEFT JOIN SELECT DISTINCT on one column, with multiple columns returned ...
5 Group By Multiple Columns - LINQ 0 Linq GroupBy with multiple columns of type List<List<string>> 1 Linq Group By Multiple Columns 2 Multiple column group by on Linq 1 LINQ GroupBy for multiple Column 0 Linq grouping by multiple columns - issue 1 Linq group by with multiple col...
The following table classifies each standard query operator method according to its method of execution.Note If an operator is marked in two columns, two input sequences are involved in the operation, and each sequence is evaluated differently. In these cases, it is always the first sequence in...
The following code reads the source file and rearranges each column in the CSV file to rearrange the order of the columns:C# Copy string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("spreadsheet1.csv"); // Create the query. Put field 2 first, then // reverse and combine fields 0 and 1 from the ...
Retrieve related entity columns for 1 to N relationships Use .value to retrieve the value of an attribute Multiple projections, new data type casting to different types Use the GetAttributeValue method Use Math methods Use Multiple Select and Where clauses ...
var query = from f in UnitOfWork.FreeBets from c in f.FreeBetCards where f.FreeBetCards.Any(cards => cards.UserId == request.UserId) select new { f.FreeBetId, c.LineCategoryID, c.Title }; query = query.Distinct(); var records = query.AsEnumerable() .GroupBy(f => f.FreeBetId...
To avoid executing multiple times convert the results into any number of standard collection classes. It is easy to convert the results into a list or array using the standard query operatorsToList() orToArray().C# var q = from c in db.Customers where c.City == "London" select c;//...