延迟加载(Lazy Loading):只有在我们需要数据的时候才去数据库读取加载它。 优点:较好的性能,有效节省内存资源。 缺点:会产生多次与数据库之间的交互。 即时加载(Eager Loading):在加载数据时就把该对象相关联的其它表的数据一起加载到内存对象中去。 优点:能够一次性地把数据全加载到内存,不用反复与数据库之间进行...
Difference between Eager Loading and Lazy Loading? Which is good - Eager Loading or Lazy Loading? Without looking at the Application architecture and what we are trying to achieve, we cannot say one is better over the other. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. There are clear ...
6、性能优化 EF提供了一些性能优化功能,如延迟加载(Lazy Loading)、预先加载(Eager Loading)等,以便在需要时从数据库中加载相关数据,提高了查询的效率。 1. 7、代码优先 EF支持代码优先(Code First)开发方式,开发人员可以通过编写实体类来定义数据库模型,然后通过迁移生成数据库,而不是通过数据库先有表结构再生成实...
Plus ideally this should work for both eager and deferred (or lazy) loading. That is the purpose of the LoadXyz methods. Here is a VB sample that shows how to use them:In your NorthwindDataContext partial class, just add the following (see comments fo...
延迟加载(Lazy Loading):只有在我们需要数据的时候才去数据库读取加载它。 优点:较好的性能,有效节省内存资源。 缺点:会产生多次与数据库之间的交互。 即时加载(Eager Loading):在加载数据时就把该对象相关联的其它表的数据一起加载到内存对象中去。 优点:能够一次性地把数据全加载到内存,不用反复与数据库之间进行...
Unfortunately, even this is not enough to handle all possible scenarios effectively, as there will be times, even for the same Customer type, when both eager-loading and lazy-loading would be appropriate, the classic scenario being that drilldown page: we want lazy-loading when fetching the ...
and talk about how you can easily build data UI in ASP.NET that takes advantage of LINQ to SQL data models. I'll also cover some more specific LINQ to SQL programming concepts including optimistic concurrency, lazy and eager loading, table mapping inheritance, custom SQL/SPROC usage, and mo...
IList 接口和 List 类是C#中集合的两个相关但不同的概念。下面是它们的主要区别:IList 接口IList 接口是C#中定义的一个泛型接口,位于 System.Collections 命名空间。它派生自 ICollection 接口,定义了一个可以通过索引访问的有序集合。```c#IList 接口包含一系列索引化的属性和方法,允许按索引访问、插入、移除元素等...
If master and detail model have navigate property, we don't need use join, Entity Framework supports three ways to load related data - eager loading, lazy loading and explicit loading, For more information, please refer to:*** https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj574232%28v=vs....
In future posts in this series I'll cover more LINQ to SQL scenarios including optimistic concurrency, lazy and eager loading, table mapping inheritance, and custom SQL/SPROC usage. Next week I also plan to start a new series of blog posts that cover the new <asp:ListView> control - whic...