Name == nameof(Enumerable.Contains) && m.GetParameters().Length == 2); MethodInfo contains = listContainsMethod.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(string)); expression = Expression.Call(contains, Expression.Constant(listOfStrings), memberExpression); 但是我不知道如何实现第一个示例。有人知道怎么做吗? 提前谢...
List<string> strings = new List<string> { "apple", "banana", "orange", "grape" }; // 动态创建Contains的参数 string searchValue = "an"; // 创建一个参数表达式,表示集合中的元素 ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string), "x"); // 创建一个Contains方法调用的表达式...
// Mapping a list from type A to type B.varcats = dogs.Select(dog => dog.TurnIntoACat());// Using the query syntax.varqueryCats =fromdogindogsselectdog.TurnIntoACat();// Summing the lengths of a set of strings.intseed =0;intsumOfStrings = strings.Aggregate(seed, (partialSum, ...
How would I filter out my DbSet to get this list in a linq statement? Thank you. All replies (2) Thursday, December 29, 2016 3:08 PM ✅Answered Solution: var result = BowtieDMEquipmentLookups.Where(y => equipmentList.Contains(y.EquipmentDescription)).ToList(); ...
("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);stringsearchTerm ="change";varqueryMatchingFiles =fromfileinfileListwherefile.Extension ==".txt"letfileText = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName)wherefileText.Contains(searchTerm)selectfile.FullName;// Execute the query.Console.WriteLine($"""The term...
("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);stringsearchTerm ="change";varqueryMatchingFiles =fromfileinfileListwherefile.Extension ==".txt"letfileText = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName)wherefileText.Contains(searchTerm)selectfile.FullName;// Execute the query.Console.WriteLine($"""The term ...
To join data from a database to in-memory data, first call ToList or ToArray on the database query, and then perform the join on the returned collection.This example uses two files. The first, names.csv, contains student names and student IDs....
You can query a string as a sequence of characters in LINQ. This article contains several examples you can use or modify to suit your needs.
fruits.OfType<string>().Where(fruit => fruit.ToLower().Contains("n")); Console.WriteLine("\nThe following strings contain 'n':"); foreach (string fruit in query2) { Console.WriteLine(fruit); } // This code produces the following output: ...
public static List<Product> Search( string searchFor, int currentPage, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { using var db = new DbNorthwind(); var products = from p in db.Product select p; if (searchFor != null) { products = from p in products where p.Name.Contains(searchFor) sel...