Wheren(0) = nameToSearchSelectnameDimmergeQueryB =FromnameInfileBLetn = name.Split(NewChar() {","})Wheren(0) = nameToSearchSelectname' Create a new query to concatenate and sort results. Duplicates are removed in Union.' Note that none of the queries actuall...
复制 public IEnumerable<string> ConcatenateQueries() { var query1 = from item in dataSource1 select item; var query2 = from item in dataSource2 select item; var concatenatedQuery = query1.Concat(query2); return concatenatedQuery; } 在上述示例中,我们定义了两个linq查询query1和query2,分别从da...
(concatQuery,"Simple concatenate and sort. Duplicates are preserved:");// Concatenate and remove duplicate names based on// default string comparer.varuniqueNamesQuery = fileA.Union(fileB).OrderBy(s => s); OutputQueryResults(uniqueNamesQuery,"Union removes du...
(concatQuery,"Simple concatenate and sort. Duplicates are preserved:");// Concatenate and remove duplicate names based on// default string comparer.varuniqueNamesQuery = fileA.Union(fileB).OrderBy(s => s); OutputQueryResults(uniqueNamesQuery,"Union removes duplicate names:")...
Use the Concat<TSource> operator to concatenate two sequences.The Concat<TSource> operator is defined for ordered multisets where the orders of the receiver and the argument are the same.Ordering in SQL is the final step before results are produced. For this reason, the Concat<TSource> ...
compilation error: Type 'SqlCommand' is not defined. Compiler Error Message: CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IQueryable<AnonymousType#1>' to 'string' compress string and save to varbinary column of sqlserver concatenate the multiple columns in linq ...
5varconcatQuery = names1Text.Concat(names2Text).OrderBy(x =>x);6OutputQueryResult(concatQuery,"Simple concatenate and sort. Duplicates are preserved:");78//基于默认字符串比较器连接,并删除重名。9varunionQuery = names1Text.Union(names2Text).OrderBy(x =>x);10OutputQueryResult(unionQuery,"...
The following code example demonstrates how to useConcat<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>)to concatenate two sequences. C# classPet{publicstringName {get;set; }publicintAge {get;set; } }// This method creates and returns an array of Pet objects.staticPet[]GetCats(){ Pet...
varconcatQuery = names1Text.Concat(names2Text).OrderBy(x =>x);OutputQueryResult(concatQuery,"Simple concatenate and sort. Duplicates are preserved:");//基于默认字符串比较器连接,并删除重复。varunionQuery = names1Text.Union(names2Text).OrderBy(x =>x);OutputQueryResult(unionQuery,"Union ...
string[] fileA = File.ReadAllLines("names1.txt");string[] fileB = File.ReadAllLines("names2.txt");// Concatenate and remove duplicate namesvarmergeQuery = fileA.Union(fileB);// Group the names by the first letter in the last name.vargroupQuery =fromnameinmergeQueryletn = name.Split(...