还有另一个与Any类似的方法All方法,All方法不能直接像 Any那样无条件判断,判断元素是否在数组中全部满足,大家使用的时候不能注意区分,下面我们用案例介绍他们的使用区别。区别:Any方法是确定序列中是否包含元素或存在元素满足指定条件All确定序列中的所有元素是否都满足条件。Any()使用实例: //通过条件判断数据 判断某...
public static bool All<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, bool> predicate); int[] numbers1 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; var bl = numbers1.All(val => val > 10); All 确定序列中的所有元素是否满足条件。 Any 确定序列是否包含任何元素。 // Summary:...
Any: 用于检查序列中是否存在满足条件的元素。 代码语言:javascript 复制 bool hasItems=collection.Any(item=>item.Property>5); All: 用于检查序列中的所有元素是否都满足条件。 代码语言:javascript 复制 bool allMatch=collection.All(item=>item.Property>0); Count: 返回序列中满足条件的元素数量。 代码语言:ja...
步步为营VS 2008 + .NET 3.5(7) - LINQ查询操作符之First、FirstOrDefault、Last、LastOrDefault、ElementAt、ElementAtOrDefault、Contains、Any、All、Count、LongCount、Sum、Min、Max、Average、Aggregate、Cast、DefaultIfEmpty、SequenceEqual、OfType、ToArray、ToList、ToDictionary 作者:webabcd 介绍 ·First - 返...
Summary_Any(); // All - 判断集合中是否所有元素都满足某一条件;不延迟 Summary_All(); // Count - 返回集合中的元素个数,返回int;不延迟 // LongCount - 返回集合中的元素个数,返回long;不延迟 Summary_Count_LongCount(); // Sum - 集合应为数字类型集合,求其和;不延迟 ...
"The solution is to write your own extension method version of TryParse the way it would have been written had there been nullable value types available in the first place" Nullable value typesdidexist when Int32.TryParse was introduced, in .NET 2.0. Any idea why they didn't go for it ...
compare a string to all possible dictionary keys compare two arrays to find out if they contain any element in common. Compare two bitmaps Compare two char arrays Compare two int arrays Compare two List(T) via three or multiple properties using LINQ in C# Compare two PDF files in C# windows...
來源: AnyAll.cs 判斷序列是否包含任何項目。 C# 複製 public static bool Any<TSource> (this System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TSource> source); 類型參數 TSource source 項目的類型。 參數 source IEnumerable<TSource> 要檢查是否為空白的 IEnumerable<T>。 傳回 Boolean 如果來源序列包含任何項...
If the source XML is indented, not setting the PreserveWhitespace flag in options causes the reader to ignore all of the insignificant white space in the source XML. The XML tree is created without any text nodes for insignificant white space. If the source XML is not indented, setting the ...
Deletes the view-state information for all the server control's child controls. (Inherited from Control) ClearEffectiveClientIDMode() Sets the ClientIDMode property of the current control instance and of any child controls to Inherit. (Inherited from Control) CreateChildControls() Called by...