If you are unsure about how to perform some settings you can check the user manuals for your Linksys router, just find your specific router from thelist belowand you’ll also find the manuals for that model. We are constantly trying to enlarge our manual library for Linksys routers to ensur...
The Linksys EA6500 v1 router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. Quick links: Default password/Login User Manuals EA6500 v1 router specifications (specs) System specs CPU:600 MHz RAM:128 MiB Flash:128 MiB Custom firmwares:OpenWrt ...
Purchased a few months ago an extender RE 6500. This is an absolute piece of crap. How they sell this garbage is beyond me. Was on the phone for over an hour with a tech on the chat service they provide. Total waste of time. Management better get a grip on the merchandise they are...
When you’re done, access the router with the default username and password as stated in your user manual. Do note that once the router is reset, it will reset the Wireless WEP, WPA and WPA2 password and settings. You will need to re-configure your router according to your ISP requireme...