不管是否是Linksys的主观意愿,由WRT54G公开的系统源码所衍生出来的OpenWrt(官网)及其派生出来的DD-WRT(官网)都对路由器的发展特别是功能性和可自定义性等方面的发展起到了至关重要的作用。 此次众测产品为Linksys EA8300 AC2200三频路由器,有幸入选,感谢张大妈和Linksys。有不少值友可能不大熟悉无线路由的相关参数及...
Sysupgrade from 23.05.5 to 24.10.0 failed on Linksys EA8300 was configured and working as a dumb access point. The router begins a restart. The connected ethernet port shows traffic then goes blank, then lights sweep across all ports. I ...
光猫千兆(联通师父已确定),路由器千兆(LINKSYS EA8300),6类网线,电脑是微星的台式机(宙斯盾钛3) 1、360测速,直插光猫速度37MB/秒左右,连接路由器后速度2.5MB/秒左右,360测试结果为20兆宽带。 2、百度下载,百度我是超级会员,同一片源,直插光猫下载资源速度在13MB/秒左右,我觉得这个值算正常。连接上路由器速度...
Linksys, a leader in networking solutions for the home and business and DD-WRT, a Linux based alternative OpenSource firmware suitable for a variety of WLAN routers and embedded systems, today announced the expansion of DD-WRT support to include the WRT1900AC, WRT1200AC, and recently released ...
WRT1900ACS后缀多出来的字母“S”,代表着它是“WRT1900AC”升级版本版本,配备了1.6GHz的双核处理器、128MB闪存、512MB DDR3内存、以及eSATA和USB端口,加强了5G吞吐量,而且USB3.0端口读写达到逆天的70M/S以上,完全是可以秒杀低端nas,甚至可以和部分的中高端nas相匹敌。而且固件全开源,支持Openwrt和DD-WRT,可任...
LINKSYS 领势 WRT1900AC 无线路由器 刷中文&openwrt指南 MX300 54 209 不是很值得买:woot购入 LINKSYS EA6300 双频千兆无线路由器 匿名用户 8 11 在家里的任何位置,都可以享受优秀的5G Wifi信号——领势LINKSYS Velop AC3900M双频无线高速路由器 评测 蘑菇爱上我 107 231 稳中求胜——LINKSYS MR8300千兆...
LINKSYS EA3500 750M 双频无线路由器(官翻版)开壳加装开关 踩滑板的蜗牛 16 27 这哪是二手货啊:官翻Linksys EA6200 简单开箱作业 scripps 107 99 海淘官翻 LINKSYS EA6200 路由器附刷 DD-WRT 教程 国贸吴彦祖 235 405 家庭网络帝国——Cisco-Linksys EA4500 简单开箱+设置 怪兽思密达 89 242 无需mesh!——...
EA8300 Firmwares Staying up to date with the latest firmware is a good idea to keep your router even more secure from various security flaws.If you want to squeeze a little bit of extra functionality out of your router, consider flashing an open-source firmware like dd-wrt, openWRT or LED...
EA7300 v1 Firmwares Staying up to date with the latest firmware is a good idea to keep your router even more secure from various security flaws. If you want to squeeze a little bit of extra functionality out of your router, consider flashing an open-source firmware like dd-wrt, open...
EA系列的命名,其中A字母的含义就是APP,也就是意味着支持通过手机APP远程管理路由器: 支持"准Mesh"无线组网解决大户型无线信号覆盖需求,利用路由器其中一个5G信号,两台EA8300可以组成一个大局域网,支持无线回程技术,每一台路由器都可以作为主机,设备可以无缝漫游和互相访问,有别于无线中继独立两个子网的情况。