Disrupting links between poverty, chronic stress, and educational inequalityEMOTIONAL LEARNING-PROGRAMSYOUTH DEVELOPMENTPREVENTIONMETAANALYSISENVIRONMENTCHILDRENBRAINRISKINTERVENTIONSOPPORTUNITIESThe income-achievement gap is a significant and stubborn problem in the United States, which has been exacerbated by the ...
In this dissertation, we are mainly interested in the interactions between poverty and one of its greatest dimensions1, namely health. More specifically, we will focus on their inequalities: does poverty inequality have more effect on poverty than health level? Does health inequality matter to pover...
One of the greatest challenges facing humanity in the current millennium is the need to mitigate climate change, and one of the most viable options to overcome this challenge is to invest in renewable energy. The study dynamically examines the links between renewable energy consumption, non-renewabl...
He called for faster implementation of projects in the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) that are of national or strategic importance to removing the "weak links" of the economy and reducing inequality between urban and rural areas, according to a statement released after a State Council executive...
The Agenda addresses major challenges faced by humanity, including ending poverty and other deprivations, improving health and education, reducing inequality, and spurring economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The Agenda is an ...
The period of political disunity between the Tang and the Song, known as the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period, lasted little more than half a century, from 907 to 960. During this brief era, when China was in all respects a multistate system, five regimes succeeded one another ...
Inequality between neighborhoods and its potential impact on life chances and well-being has been an important subject of academic investigation and debate (e.g. Cucca, 2020; Diez Roux and Mair, 2010; Kawachi and Subramanian, 2007; Manley et al., 2011). What has been of particular interest ...
Light and Life - When an evolutionary planet has completed its successive planetary ages, when it has progressed to the point of having one religion, one language, and usually one race, most diseases having been conquered, war no longer exists, poverty and social inequality have vanished, degene...
The rise of populism in the West is often depicted as opposition to a “double liberalism”, which is economic and cultural in tandem. In this op
Among the most striking empirical macroeconomic relationships uncovered in the past decade is the apparently causal link between financial development and economic growth. This chapter begins (Section 2) with a brief account of the key methodological elements underlying this discovery. ...