Brochure VIAVI FTTH-Smart Link Mapper (FTTH-SLM)Application for SmartOTDR and T-BERD/MTS OTDR Platform Empower FTTH/PON technicians to become instant OTDR fiber test experts.Benefits y Provides confidence in fiber network performance –Proves construction quality for acceptance –Troubleshoots and...
VIAVI FTTH-Smart Link Mapper 产品说明书 Hoja de especificaciones Folleto VIAVI FTTH-Smart Link Mapper (FTTH-SLM)Aplicación para las plataformas SmartOTDR y MTS OTDR Equipe a los técnicos de redes FTTH/PON de modo que puedan convertirse al instante en expertos en pruebas de fibra óptica ...
在Win10系统中有一个Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper服务,默认是手动的,最近有用户问能不能禁用,其实小编想说,默认手动的服务并不会开机启动,不消耗系统资源,只有相关功能用到的时候才会启动,当然了说到这里,也说说Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper服务是干嘛用的。 服务描述: 创建网络映射,它由 PC 和设...
Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper I/O Driver:链路层拓扑发现映射I/O驱动程序。电脑不能被局域网内访问时,打开网络与共享中心,点击链接(本地链接或者WLAN),在弹出窗口中点击属性,再弹开的对话框中点击安装,选中“协议”,点击添加,添加一个叫“Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper I/O Dr...
December 7, 2017— VIAVI today releases a significant update to its FTTH variant of the Smart Link Mapper (SLM) application,FTTH-SLM. Fiber certification can be challenging. OTDRs are often considered complex to configure and measurement results difficult to interpret. SLM removes that complexity ...
Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper I/O Driver and Responder Listing All Users they have the dial in permission in AD (RAS VPN ACCESS) Local Admin Access on Domain Controller Local drive access denied on new Server 2008 local Machine VS Domain local printer port - access denied message Local...
Mybatis mapper-locations作用 mapper-locations 顾名思义是一个定义mapper位置的属性 在yml或properties下配置,作用是实现mapper接口配置见mapper和接口的绑定。 使用场景: 当mapper接口和mapper接口对应的配置文件在 命名上相同所在的路径相同 则mapper-locations可以不用配置,配置也不会生效。
Mybatis 是一款优秀的 ORhttp://M 框架,但是在 IDEA 工具使用时并未自带 MAPPER 文件模板,需要手工添加,接下来就一起在 IDEA 中创建一个 MAPPER 文件模板吧;1、打开 IDEA ,右键 new-->Edit File Template 2、点击 + ,输入此模板名称 3、黏贴 MAPPER 模板内容: ...
0Hughman0/xl_linkPublic Notifications Fork1 Star9 Code Issues Files master docs examples tests xl_link xl_types xlsxwriter .gitattributes .gitignore LICENSE.txt requirements.txt ...
GEM: crystal-clear DNA alignment: the Genome Multitool (GEM) mapper rapidly and accurately provides all alignments of a read within a user-defined number of mismatchesThe Genome Multitool (GEM) mapper rapidly and accurately provides all alignments of a read...