LYT Essays(来自Linking Your Thinking)【搬运油管】cc字幕 3345 1 3:04:06 App 用Excalidraw实现视觉化的个人知识管理PKM 4908 1 55:21 App Thinking Maps(利用obsidian-Excalidraw手绘思维导图) 4812 4 1:25:30 App Obsidian-Excalidraw1.2使用说明视频 2738 1 2:52:05 App Obsidian Excalidraw自动化 Obsi...
How to Link Your Thinking With TaskadeAre you looking for an Obsidian alternative that would give you free, real-time cloud synchronization and built-in AI features? Then Taskade is the only tool you need. This section will teach you how to take connected notes in Taskade and build your ...
Start Linking Your Thinking! Get our email course "The Ultimate Primer to Linking Your Thinking" to start creating an ideaverse that can support and power a lifetime of memories & ideas. Does Your Mind Get Stuck? The Information Age has been brutal to our ability do our best thinking. Are...