Change Source- Changing a source allows you to change the location of the workbook on the network drive or to exchange the location of one workbook for another. This displays the Change Links dialog box, Open Source- Break Link- Replaces the linked formulas with values. It is always sensible...
a Worksheet isn't really different from a Workbook, ie you should not have any hang-ups about disaggregating your Workbook of 8 Worksheets into 8 linked Workbooks (or any combination in between). In practice, Microsoft makes your life hell...
Excel worksheets with cells linking to results in other excel workbooks Hi, We have this really large excel workbook that contains worksheets that are linked to many other excel files saved in the server. The reason is because the "many other excel files" are produced by ...
workbook filesThis chapter discusses two procedures for using data from other workbooks or worksheets: linking and consolidating. Linking workbooks can be helpful if user need to consolidate different files. Linking also is useful as a way to break up a large workbook into smaller files. The user...
If you want to get to a place where 1x Workbook / 8x Worksheets becomes functionally equivalent to 8x Workbook / 1x Worksheet, you want to create yourself an Auto_Open macro that runs thru all linked Workbooks and opens them. To that end, your template Workbook must be an XLSM. When...
If you want to get to a place where 1x Workbook / 8x Worksheets becomes functionally equivalent to 8x Workbook / 1x Worksheet, you want to create yourself an Auto_Open macro that runs thru all linked Workbooks and opens them. To that end, your template Workbook must be an XLSM. When ...
In my experience, as soon as the workbook containing this formula is saved outside of the folder structure, the link becomes absolute and should keep working, provided the user has read-rights to that location (and a working connection). Now all it should take is editing the file with cont...
If you want to get to a place where 1x Workbook / 8x Worksheets becomes functionally equivalent to 8x Workbook / 1x Worksheet, you want to create yourself an Auto_Open macro that runs thru all linked Workbooks and opens them. To that end, your template Workbook must be an XLSM. When ...
If you want to get to a place where 1x Workbook / 8x Worksheets becomes functionally equivalent to 8x Workbook / 1x Worksheet, you want to create yourself an Auto_Open macro that runs thru all linked Workbooks and opens them. To that end, your template Workbook must be an XLSM. When ...