Types and List of Linking Words to Use in Essays Below you’ll find the ultimate list of transition words for essays by categories. Choose the role you need a word to play (reason, contrast, emphasis, restatement, etc.) and consider the corresponding table of transitions. If you need the ...
Linking words list to Conclude A good essay is one that is having a good conclusion. While most of the students use almost the same words to conclude their essays, here you have the chance to conclude the essay with some good words. Look at the linking words list for an excellent conclus...
You often need to give opposite ideas, particularly for discussion essays so the linking words below will help you show the reader when you want to introduce an opposite point. Also you might want to give exceptions to a rule for a concession. admittedly however nevertheless even though although...
Use these connecting words to compare and contrast or give concessions. You will often be asked a comparison question in the IELTS Speaking test. These questions can come in speaking part 1, part 2 or part 3. So, make sure to use these linking words for your statements. but on the other...
The linking words you use in your IELTS speaking assess your fluency. Take a look at some of the linking words and connectors to improve your score.
List of Linking Words and Phrases for Reasons Here is a list of some common linking words and phrases used to indicate the reason and cause in English: Because Since Due to On account of Owing to Thanks to As a result of Due to the fact that ...
Action Words: Lesson for Kids Linking Verbs: Lesson for Kids Irregular Verbs in English | Use, List & Examples Verb Games & Activities for Kids Action Verb Lesson Plan Action Verb Games & Activities Irregular Verb Games & Activities Action Verbs | Definition, Sentences & Examples Irregular Verbs...
Although James put the device of referential ambiguity in pronouns to very sophisticated artistic use the fact remains that in the end the device also reflects a deep-seated uncertainty — uncertainty about identities. On the microlevel of style the devi
Two short sentences are often best connected together with this little word.There follows a list of words and phrases that can be used. The list is not exhaustive, and BE CAREFUL: although grouped together, none is totally synonymous. Their position in the sentence can also vary; this is wh...
Therefollowsalistofwordsandphrasesthatcanbeused.Thelistisnotexhaustive,andBE CAREFUL:althoughgroupedtogether,noneistotallysynonymous.Theirpositioninthesentencecan alsovary;thisiswhereyourreadinganddictionarycomein. ListingGivingexamplesGeneralising first,second,thirdforexampleingeneral first,furthermore,finallyforinst...