Type of Linking WordsExamplesExample Sentence 1.Expressing AdditionIn addition, Additionally, As well (as), Moreover, What is more, Not only…but also…, Furthermore, Besides, Also, Too, AndIf the project fails, this will have terrible consequences not only for our department but also for ...
This post is your guide to linking words and their role in writing. Not only will you learn the types of these words, examples, and reasons to use them, but you’ll also get a massive list of transition words and phrases as well as linking words PDF to download and use whenever necess...
These can be used to connect two separate sentences, ideas or even paragraphs but they are not all used the same way. For example, words likehowever,yetandneverthelesscan begin a sentence and are followed by a comma.In contrast, although, even thoughandthoughcannot be used this way and must...
Almost all types of essays require evidence or some examples to prove a specific point of view. But just telling an example may sound blunt. That is why we use linking words to show examples in a beautified manner. Have a look at the linking words list: For example Such as For instance...
in other words To learn how to put examples in sentences for essay writing, please follow this link:How to Add Examples to Essays. Results and Consequences These linking devices can be used for solution essays or any essay when you need to explain the consequences of something. ...
For example, you can introduce the overall point that your essay is making. It gives a brief answer to the question. The rest of the essay expands on your answer and gives evidence for it. It is very important to start your essays out right.An attention-grabbing one will make your ...
linking words and phrases such as “in addition,”“furthermore,”“moreover,” and “similarly” are used to add information and to indicate similarities and differences. In this article, we will learn the list ofdifferent linking words and phrasesand provide examples of how they are used in...
When writing academicessaysyou will be expected to present coherent arguments by linking ideas together. You will also be required to point out similarities; highlight differences; justify statements and provide examples and conclusions. The following words are useful for developing linkage in your writ...
The linking words you use in your IELTS speaking assess your fluency. Take a look at some of the linking words and connectors to improve your score.
Don’t worry about repeating linking words. This is different to IELTS writing and repetition in the speaking test is more usual and not marked down. The most common linking words for speaking are: and, but, because, also, like (for giving examples). This means you will probably use them...