When should you use linking words? You can use linking words for a variety of reasons: adding new information, contradicting a previous idea, emphasizing, organizing points sequentially, showing cause and effect, introducing examples, or summarizing.Your...
These words are often used to either put your paragraphs in order or used inside the paragraph to highlight and organise your supporting points. However, using “Firstly” and “Secondly” to start each body paragraph is considered “mechanical” which means it is like a machine and this isn...
The linking words list below is essential for IELTS writing task 2 for high score. The examiner needs to see a range of linking words in your essay to award you a high score for the criterion of Coherence and Cohesion which is 25% of your marks. You will be checked on your range, ac...
As your client list grows, you may want to track additional information for each client: their address, logo, preferred payment method, or point of contact. To expand any dimension of your workflow, you can create a linked record from an existing field. This will create a new table from ...
Grounded Multimodal Procedural Entity Recognition for Procedural Documents: A New Dataset and Baseline Improving Chinese Named Entity Recognition with Multi-grained Words and Part-of-Speech Tags via Joint Modeling KCL: Few-shot Named Entity Recognition with Knowledge Graph and Contrastive Learning Know-Ada...
With this additional information, the choice of Vietnam’s textile and garment industry as the research context offers a unique opportunity to explore the interaction between top managers and firm performance in a highly dynamic setting. Sample firms are randomly selected from the archives of the ...
Now, let’s talk about contextual links. These are a major asset to your internal linking strategy because they provide additional information and guidance, helping users better understand your content. In the example above, we linked to our post on canonical tags from another article on hreflang...
Predicate Nominative:This occurs when the words describing the subject take the form of nouns or noun phrases. For example: Jane is a doctor. The day became a celebration. In these cases, “doctor” and “celebration” function as predicate nominatives, offering additional information about the ...
二、Causeandeffectwords.showthereasonsorresultsofdoingsomething.1.Showthereasons:since,as,because(of),因为foronething一则,(foranother)2.Showtheresults:asaresult,结果,结果是thus,so Therewerenobuses,sowehadtotakeataxi.Wehadtotakeataxibecausetherewerenobuses.SnowWhiteusedtobeahealthygirl.However,...
etc.Heistired;letmego.Heistired;letmegoinstead.Thenewsmaybeunexpected;itistrue.Thenewsmaybeunexpected;nevertheless,itistrue.4.Additionwords(附加关联词语)Theyintroduceadditionalinformation.Commonexpressionsthatshowadditionincludealso,ontopof something,aboveall,besides,furthermore,inaddition,moreover,etc.