Linking words exercises 1.33 Cohesion: linking words and phrases You can use words or short phrases which help to guide your reader through your writing, and to link sentences, paragraphs and sections both forwards and backwards. Good use will make what you have written easy to follow; bad ...
Linkingwordsworksheetwithanswers-Scribdscribdcom/doc/49102364 3pages3,111viewsAddedFeb18,2011 Linkingwordsworksheet-ExercisesWritethesentenceagain,usingthewordinbracketsThemeaningmuststayexactlythesame1SheisaverygoodEnglish… Relatedsearches LinkingWordsandPhrasesExercisesExampleofLinkingWordsLinkingWordsWorksheet...
These words are often used to either put your paragraphs in order or used inside the paragraph to highlight and organise your supporting points. However, using “Firstly” and “Secondly” to start each body paragraph is considered “mechanical” which means it is like a machine and this isn...
GlobalExam offers tons of lessons, exercises, mock exams, and even statistics to help you watch your progress every day. It is guaranteed to get the score you need for the great future you are building! You will have great teachers and awesome experts by your side the entire time to ...
Exercises Exercises 5. The children all looked ___ at the broken model plane and felt quite ___ . A. sad, sad B. sadly, sadly C. sad, sadly D. sadly, sad 6. This kind of paper ___ nice. A. feel B. to feel C. is feeling D. feels 7. This Maths problem is ...
Linking verb and Action Verb Exercise It is good to do exercises to help you to consolidate what you have learned. Here is a short exercise where you need to identify the type of verb used in the sentence. Janet walked to the mall. Pierce seems to be sad. Isabelle experimented with her...
英语语音:Unit-9-Sound-Linking-in-English Unit9SoundLinkinginEnglish 1 詹俊峰制作 9.1Consonant+Vowel ▪awordendinginaconsonant+anotherwordbeginningwithavowel,andthetwowordsareinthesamewordgroup,linkthetwosoundstogether.▪Forexample,inthephrase"turnoff"Wewriteitlikethis:Wesayitlikethis:▪Exercise:p....
Unlike coordinators, these words and phrases introduce ideas that are dependent to the main clause in a sentence. There are three types of subordinators: simple complex correlative The exercises in the following pages will familiarize you with the first two types of subordinators and give you a ...
Unlike coordinators, these words and phrases introduce ideas that are dependent to the main clause in a sentence. There are three types of subordinators: simple complex correlative The exercises in the following pages will familiarize you with the first two types of subordinators and ...
Forexample,inthephrases„AfricaandAsia‟and„theideaof‟,Wewriteitlikethis:AfricaandAsia/theideaof Wesayitlikethis:AfricarandAsia/theidearof Exercise:p.54,3.9.5Vowel+Vowel Awordendinginvowel/i:/or/I/+anothervowel,wecanusealittle/j/soundasthelink.Forexample,Wewriteitlike...