Re: Steam Account Linking @catfishnchipsHappens to me more often than not. I go to task manager and end all EA processes then try again and it works. I've battled with glitchy EA stuff since whenever C&C began and learned to just kludge if I have to....
(--lia-bs-white)","imageAssetName":null,"imageLastModified":"0","origin":null,"position":"CENTER_CENTER","repeat":"NO_REPEAT","size":"COVER","__typename":"BackgroundProps"},"backgroundOpacity":0.8,"paddingTop":"15px","paddingBottom":"15px","borderBottom":"1px ... - run Epic launcherwith Admin rights - check again that u use correct EA and Epic accounts - run the EA game fro...
Hey @nan9x For help with your EA accounts and getting Steam linked to the correct one you will want to reach out to our support to take a further... - 6940605
I just bought PVZ GW2 on steam. and i can't play the game because i keep getting this message. Something went wrong...To continue linking your EA... - 10236766
I'm wondering if that Playstation account will still be eligible to be merged with my Xbox/Steam account - since it is what I'm currently able to play on - since it was linked to the EA account after 10/26 (the cutoff date in the Cross Progression webpage). ...
This happened out of necessity I think when I purchased EA content on Steam last year.Okay, so maybe I can have my existing EA account signed into Origin and the new account signed into EA Desktop Beta? Nope, the credentials are shared. So creating a new EA account won't help.Okay, ...
I had this steam account linked to my ea account before because I have played battlefield 5 and FIFA 22 before. Please don't tell me to contact support because I have sent 2 tickets in and the first one told me they fixed the problem when they didn't and the sec...
Hey there@Lex_Quinnn, Do you own your DLC through Steam, or through the EA app? Lex_Quinnn 3 years ago It’s all installed on the ea app. I bought it all on origin back when that was the platform and I’ve had some of this dlc for 6 years. I’ve tried launching through the...
проблемавтом, чтоянемогувойтинапочту. Чтобысменитьпарольотучётнойзаписи, иотвязатьеёот steam, возможномнепоможетчатсподдержк...