B. Linking high harmonics from gases and solids. Nature 2015, 522, 462-464.G Vampa, TJ Hammond, N Thir´e, BE Schmidt, F L´egar´e, CR McDonald, T Brabec, and PB Corkum. Linking high harmonics from gases and solids. Na- ture, 522(7557):462-464, 2015....
Linking high harmonics from gases and solids. Nature 522, 462 (2015).G. Vampa, T. J. Hammond, N. Thire, B. E. Schmidt, F. Legare, C. R. McDonald, T. Brabec and P. B. Corkum, Linking high harmonics from gases and solids. Nature 522, 462-464 (2015)....
Corkum, Linking high harmonics from gases and solids. Nature 522, 462-464 (2015). doi:10.1038/nature14517 MedlineVampa G, Hammond T J, Thire N, et al. Linking high harmonics from gases and solids. Nature, 2015, 522: 462-464G Vampa, TJ Hammond, N Thir´e, BE Schmidt, F L´...
Linking high harmonics from gases and solids, Nature 522, 462-464, (2015).G Vampa, TJ Hammond, N Thir´e, BE Schmidt, F L´egar´e, CR McDonald, T Brabec, and PB Corkum. Linking high harmonics from gases and solids. Na- ture, 522(7557):462-464, 2015....