When linking cells between two separate spreadsheets, we receive the #REF error message. We use dropbox to store/share our files, however the person creating the link usually has no #REF error and on... roccovivolo When you encounter the #REF! error in Excel when linking cells ...
For example, the numerical data in the drawing data may be set to a different precision level than in the external data. The data column in the external data does not contain unique values. The data in the external data column contains one or more cells that contain identical data. This...
I did test different cells with maximum values and the offset was consistent, one cell below and one cell to the right. We are getting close Below is a copy/past of the cell that is returning the date =OFFSET(B2,0,MATCH(MAX(B1:N1),B1:N1,0),1,1) Thanks, Jay Upvote 0 Downvote...
For example, the numerical data in the drawing data may be set to a different precision level than in the external data. The data column in the external data does not contain unique values. The data in the external data column contains one or more cells that contain identical data. This...
For example, the numerical data in the drawing data may be set to a different precision level than in the external data. The data column in the external data does not contain unique values. The data in the external data column contains one or more cells that contain identical data. This...