Only now, with the publication of Linkers & Loaders, is there an authoritative book devoted entirely to these deep-seated compile-time and run-time processes. The book begins with a deta... (展开全部) 原文摘录 ··· ( 全部 ) 每个操作系统都会为运行在该系统下的应用程序提供应用程序二进制...
This is the web site for Linkers and Loaders by John R. Levine, published by Morgan-Kauffman in October 1999, ISBN 1-55860-496-0. The source code The code is available here. ErrataPage 26: second paragraph, delete "using the table pointer register as a base register: Page 33: last...
RETRACTED: LOADERS AND LINKERSThis Book/Chapter has been retracted as the rights have been returned to the author.doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-552250-2.50011-XJ. L. PetersonComputer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
1. This book should be titled "The history of linkers and loaders"2. Loading and binding in VMs (jvm, .net, etc) is not covered. 有用8 没用7 有关键情节透露 转发1 > 我来回应> Linkers and Loaders 作者: John R. Levine 出版: Morgan Kaufmann 定价: GBP 46.99 装帧: Paperback ...