Define linker. linker synonyms, linker pronunciation, linker translation, English dictionary definition of linker. n. 1. One of the rings or loops forming a chain. 2. a. A unit in a connected series of units: links of sausage; one link in a molecular cha
Templates automate the implementation of abstract algorithms that can operate on multiple data types. Considering Stack as an example, a different data class can be given for each instantiation of the Stack class without manually changing the Stack class definition. Instead, the compiler generates code...
Structure and relaxation of extended linker: mechanical and thermodynamic considerations By definition, the partition function for simulations run at a constant volume condition is given by $$Z={\mathcal{N}}\int d{\bf{r}}{e}^{-\beta E({\bf{r}})}$$ (8) whereβ = (kBT)-1. HereTis...
Definition Keratin linker domains are three short, non-helical segments of the keratin polypeptide that interrupt the alpha-helical rod. The gene segments encoding the keratin linker regions represent hotspots for mutations. Heritable Skin DisordersIntermediate Filaments...
Here we propose a novel method for the demarcation of the linker based on a three-dimensional protein structure and a domain definition. The proposed method is based on biological knowledge about structural flexibility of the linkers. We performed structural analysis on a linker probable region (...
Define Linkers. Linkers synonyms, Linkers pronunciation, Linkers translation, English dictionary definition of Linkers. n. 1. One of the rings or loops forming a chain. 2. a. A unit in a connected series of units: links of sausage; one link in a molecula