While there are a lot of things you can do to put LinkedIn to work for you, we’re going to focus on one specific area for today: How to write great descriptions of your experience on LinkedIn First of all, what am I even referring to? The description I’m referring to is the text...
Field NameTypeDescription actionClickslongThe count of clicks on the action button of the Sponsored Messaging ad. adUnitClickslongThe count of clicks on the ad unit displayed alongside the Sponsored Messaging ad. approximateMemberReachlongNon-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The estimate...
WorkExperienceQuestionSetResponses Fields展开表 FieldDescriptionType city Response to city question. TextAnswerValue company Response to company question. TextAnswerValue description Response to description question. TextAnswerValue employmentDates Dates attended at educational institution. DateRangeAnswerValue ...
How do you write a good LinkedIn job description? A good job description highlights key information about the role you’re hiring for. It gives candidates a clear understanding of the skills and requirements they’ll need for the role, which helps them decide whether they want to apply. To ...
FieldTypeDescriptionRead OnlyRequired in WriteReturned by Default freemiumEmailAllowed boolean If true, then a personal or freemium domain email address will be allowed to be submitted as the response of the WORK EMAIL PredefinedField. No Yes YesLead...
WorkEmailSubmissionCriteria is a sub-object in the LeadGenFormQuestion representing the criteria for submission of responses to WORK_EMAIL PredefinedField. Expand table FieldTypeDescriptionRead OnlyRequired in WriteReturned by Default freemiumEmailAllowed boolean If true, then a personal or freemium doma...
excellent job description to recruit the best people. Remember that job seekers typically view many job posts at the same time, so this is your chance to stand out. Keep your AI engineer job description brief, but include enough details to paint a full picture of the role and...
PurposeDescription Authentication We use cookies and similar technologies to recognize you when you visit our Services. If you’re signed into LinkedIn, these technologies help us show you the right information and personalize your experience in line with your settings. For example, cookies enable Lin...
In your “About” section, use keywords to guide the narrative. Talk about how you've grown in your field, the kind of projects you've loved working on, and what you bring to the table. The “Experience” section is all about specifics. Use keywords to underline what you did in each...
An effective LinkedIn headline requires an engaging description that distinguishes the profile, particularly in the highly competitive sales field. Brand ambassadorRyan Reisertuses subtle humor to convey his experience in his headline. Sam Feldotto, Focus on Keywords Headline ...