欢迎使用领英!领英是全球领先的职业社交平台,会员数已超过10亿,覆盖全球 200 多个国家和地区。 公司愿景 为全球每一位职场人士创造经济机会。 公司使命 领英的使命是连接全球职场人士,协助他们在职场事半功倍,发挥所长。 关于领英 领英于 2002 年在联合创始人Reid Hoffman的客厅创立,于 2003 年 5 月 5 日正式上...
The global number of LinkedIn users in was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2028 by in total 171.9 million users (+22.3 percent).
Research expert covering social media usage worldwide Get in touch with us now , May 22, 2024 As of April 2024,LinkedInhad an audience reach of 230 million users in the United States. The country was by far the leading market of the professional job networking service, with runner-up India...
This Privacy Policy applies when you use our Services (described below). We offer our users choices about the data we collect, use and share as described in this Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, Settings and our Help Center.Key Terms Table...
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37% of people with millions check the app regularly. About 44% of total LinkedIn users reported an annual pay of $75,000. This is above the median household income of $68,000 in the United States. Key Takeaways The pandemic redirected the public’s attention back to online job application...
Worldwide, men tend to use LinkedIn more than women. As of January 2022,57.2%of users were male and 42.8% were female. The numbers of users are skewed slightly higher to male in the United States, at 58%. Note: Sprout Social acknowledges gender beyond male and female; we are presenting...
The example below uses cURL to upload an image file.Sample RequestBash Copy curl -i --upload-file /Users/peter/Desktop/superneatimage.png --header "Authorization: Bearer redacted" 'https://api.linkedin.com/mediaUpload/C5522AQGTYER3k3ByHQ/feedshare-uploadedImage/0?ca=vector_feedshare&cn=...
At the time of this post’s publishing, LinkedIn® has more than 950 million users. That makes it the largest professional networking platform in the world and that is why I couldn’t be more excited to deliver these LinkedIn tips to help you be more successful using the platform. While...
With202 million LinkedIn users in the United Statesalone, groups let you refine and support your audience. Here are some ways you can benefit from using groups on this professional social media platform. Networking opportunities While those networking breakfasts are still a good way to connect with...