单击领英主页顶部的“Me”图标,然后点击 “View profile”这个选项。接着单击页面右边“Edit public prof...
因为如果客户点进来我们的主页,通过我们看到我们的同行,就不太好了。 所以,为了防止这种情况发生,进入“Setting & Privacy”单后点击顶部的“Privacy”,在这一页面找到“Viewers of this profile also viewed”这个功能关闭,也就是设置为“no” Groups 在说Groups这个功能之前先提醒大家,一定要用外网的Linkedin。因为...
根据我们分析,自从领英新政之后,国内的部分领英用户,被系统默认新增了如下两项设置,因为很多人并不知道修改这两项设置(me—setting & Privacy),按系统的默认设置来,这就是别人找不到你的档案的原因,但是也有部分用户的设置里没有这两项设置,就不受影响,受影响的用户的系统默认设置是这样的: 英文: Profile discove...
因为很多人并不知道修改这两项设置(me—setting & Privacy),按系统的默认设置来,这就是别人找不到你...
05. LinkedIn领英可以绑定twitter(在privacy setting里),这样一来,当在LinkedIn领英发布update的信息,可以同时发送到twitter(只是twitter的字数限制是140字)。 06.LinkedIn领英可以做广告,类似Adwords。 07. 上面有提到的“领英助理”这个LinkedIn领英辅助工具非常有必要去结合使用,因为它除了一些一些实用性的功能以外,还有...
Yes, members can remove access to any third-party application from their Settings and Privacy page on LinkedIn.com. For more information on how to remove access, refer to this article. Note that if a regulated member removes access from their Setting and Privacy page, their access_token is ...
RealTime_M365 As of this posting, you can sign into your LinkedIn account and go to your Me icon and choose Settings and Privacy. Select the Visibility option on the left-side menu. Then in the "Visiblity of your profile & network section", choose the "Profile discovery ...
To access the profile visibility setting: Click theMeicon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. SelectSettings & Privacyfrom the dropdown. ClickVisibilityon the left pane and underVisibility of your profile & network,clickProfile viewing options. ...
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In order to receive the offer Enrollment Email from LinkedIn, members must opt-in to receive promotional offers from linkedIn (In your LinkedIn Email Settings under ‘Profile’, enable the setting for ‘Tips and offers to help you get the most out of LinkedIn’). Any spend made in the Link...